We know that the weather isn’t optimal, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t fun (and prudent) to dream early about your warm weather home renovations like your deck. In fact, you can save hundreds of dollars, just by choosing your contractor, your chosen materials and your overall style, ahead of the summer curve.
Part of the fun here at Victorian Foundation Repairs, is that we get to geek out over all of the trends coming down the home renovation pipeline. These aren’t just specific to our restumping work. After all, part of the reason that we got into this line of work, is to ensure that your homes are sturdy and comfortable. But part of the reason we got into this line of work, is what you do next with your home and your yard. We want to create the foundation for you to get creative and embark on projects that will drive lasting memories with those closest to you.
So whenever new trends come down the pipeline, you can bet that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team gathers together to analyze. Once we decide if we endorse or if we recommend against, the next step is clear. Share with our valued customers and blog readers, of course! Here are several trends for your outside deck, that we’re hearing whispers about:
Underlay your deck
We’re talking twice the bang for your buck here, and we know that Victorian Foundation Repairs customers like that. More and more homeowners are looking at adding their outdoor decks on the second or third floor of their home. This can be a great extension to social spaces, or even your master bedroom. The bonus here is, that when you build these patios at higher heights, you have an additional blank canvas belong the deck for a second patio or outdoor space.
Use composite materials for your deck
What is a composite material, you may say? Valid question. A composite material actually combines plastic with the fiber of the wood, which creates more of a plank-like material. The resulting material is more durable and it’s less likely to fade over time. These are just two of the factors, which make it the ideal investment for your outside deck this summer.
Explore deck exterior lighting features
The fun doesn’t stop when the sun goes down, in the Victorian Foundation Repairs world. So why should you have to head inside, just because it’s getting darker? Enter the plethora of available lighting solutions that you can integrate into the design of your home. LED lighting especially is very trendy now—it’s easy to install, doesn’t require much maintenance because the bulbs last so much longer, and it’s more cost-effective than the majority of the options out there.
Feeling your curiosity piqued? Ready to embark on your next home renovation project? Be sure to reach out to the Victorian Foundation Repairs team with any questions that you may have. Though it may seem daunting at first, these projects can add exponential value to your home and your quality of life.