It’s a romantic notion, isn’t it? – the idea that you could wake up in your large, private mansion, cloaked in tree foliage, hidden away from the rest of the world. You throw open your window shades and the only thing you see is either the deep green or the chameleon-like rainbow hues of leaves. (We’re ignoring those in-between seasons when the trees colors or existence are less than desirable). Tree shade and surroundings are huge benefits, when you’re house-hunting. Real estate agents and brokers around the country, and around the world, are always seeking out properties which could double as arboretums.
But per usual, we here at Victorian Foundation Repairs need to play the naysayer card. We’re not doing it to be cruel. We’re doing it to be realistic. For with every aesthetic touch that the homes of the wealthy and wonderful have to offer, there is an equally cumbersome maintenance plan. Today, we’re sharing some sage advice if your existing or future home exists near the tree-line.
The predominant issue is that trees are overlooked during the planning and design portion. They become more and more critical, the more they’re overlooked. It doesn’t matter if you weren’t planning to remove any trees. If you’re building anywhere near them, even if they’re officially on the neighbors side of the fence, the architectural integrity and stability of the foundation are both called in to question. And you know how much Victorian Foundation Repairs supports both of these.
So we recommend that you do your research well in advance. Your local council will have all of the answers that are specific to your area or neighborhood. There isn’t a consistent yes or no answer, because just like many other elements of nature, trees are dynamic and ever-changing. (We know, we know, there’s an evergreen pun in there—we’ll save it for another time). When conferring with the local council, be sure to specifically the reference the Tree Protection Local Laws.
The Tree Protection Local Laws contain a wealth of information. They’re a one-stop shop to determine what sort of tree you’re working with. What you want to look for is the botanical name of the tree. It will be the part of the description that is written in italics. Looking for a second opinion? Never a bad idea. We recommend that you reach out to your local arborist.
Once you know what sort of trees you have on your property, the next question will be- significant or canopy? Share this information with the council to decide if there are next steps for you before you break ground. If it’s a canopy tree, you have less of a workload ahead of you. If it’s a significant tree, definitely mention this to whatever contractor that you’re working with.
Luckily, if you’re working with a company like Victorian Foundation Repairs, you can cross this off of your to-do list. We aim to provide you with a seamless experience while reinforcing the foundation of your home.