Five Key Things to Look for in a Contractor

Five Key Things to Look for in a ContractorSeems a little bit biased, doesn’t it? After all, we’ll give a sneak preview to this article and let you know that embody all of the latter-mentioned qualities. But for the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs, it really doesn’t matter to us which company you go with. What really matters to us, is that you’re happy, your home is safe and comfortable, and you feel empowered to have the right conversations and make the best decisions for you and your family. Your home is one of the biggest investments you can possibly make, and we truly care about ensuring that it’s a place where you can make generations of memories. So, for us, that doesn’t mean promoting our services and products, it means standing up thing like this blog as a conversation piece where you can learn and feel totally confident that you’ve got the work ahead under control. In that vein, today’s post focuses on ten things that we find truly a necessity in any contractor:

1. Kindness

Odd one to start with, right? But your home is your baby (for lack of a better term) and anybody who impacts it, is sort of like a babysitter or relative. We want you to feel like you’re in the best hands possible, and that starts with kindness in every sense of the word.

2. Transparency

If there’s one thing we shake our heads at, it’s unauthenticity. There is simply no reason to not be upfront with your customers and to always be honest. It goes up above and beyond simply sharing how much things will cost and how much time we’ll spend fortifying the foundation of your home; it means that we want to be the ones to educate you on every step of the process. When we do this, you feel comfortable, and we create a far stronger bond, which ends in much better results.

3. Experience

Yes, yes, we could preach it over and over again, but that’s because it’s important! In the age of the internet, it’s easy enough to google or search for contractors in your area. Easy is not as good as important. Important is thoroughly investigating those who will be doing work on your home and asking those closest to you for their recommendations. Don’t feel badly about doing this! They’ll be more than happy to give their two cents, and everyone benefits in the long-haul.

4. Response

Not quite the same as communication, but in the same vein. You want your contractor to be at your beck and call, as you see fit. We’re not recommending that you call up every ten minutes to hear how the job is going, but they should be available, should you have any questions, comments or changes to the scope of work at hand.

5. Results

This ties into all of the above, but especially experience. You know how we mentioned that you should talk to your friends about the experience of your chosen contractor? Here are the most tangible answers. Any solid contractor will have proof and pictures on their Website to prove just how proud and passionate they are about their work.