How We Got Here

How We Got HereEvery business journey is interesting and unique. Our journeys tell the stories of our struggles and triumphs, the lessons that we’ve learned and the amazing community of teammates and customers that we continue to amass along the way. Think of some great examples… Apple is the first that comes to mind. Steve Jobs was undoubtedly smart and promising, but he had to deal with the politics of everyone around him, ultimately leading him to have to leave the business for a while. That one ended up working out alright; after all, how many of us own iPhones or Apple products these days? There are others that haven’t fared so well, but that’s not an issue you’ll ever have to worry about here.

As you probably assume, the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is no different than Apple in some respects. We started with a simple idea – that we wanted to reinforce your foundations and do so, so that you would never have to go through the process again… at least not for a very long time. Restumping, reblocking, underpinning – we do it all, and we do it well.

We do it well because there are a few different ways that we got here. Let’s share some of the details:

  • We believe in our products. We believe in the products that we started with and we believe in the products that are newly available in the industry. We would never share a product with you that we wouldn’t use on our own properties. And that will always be the case.
  • We do not mind putting in a hard day’s work. Or a hard night’s work for that matter. Reinforcing the foundation of your home is no joke, and anyone that impacts your home should take it very seriously. While we always aim to work around your schedule, know that your schedule should always work around us.
  • We want to learn. We talk about this all of the time on the blog. Complacency is the greatest enemy of improvement and enhancement – two things that we value heavily at Restumping Homes. We don’t see our business as a “check off” or a place where we can get to where we believe that we really know everything. We never will. And we don’t want to. But, part of our enthusiasm and passion is just that – that we want to learn. We have conversations with each other every day. We read all of the associated materials about your dream home. And we go to all of the events possible. We want to touch, feel and learn about materials and processes that will only make your life easier.
  • We will never stop trying. That’s the bottom line. Constructive criticism is our friend and we will always appreciate it. Bring it on – the complaints, the compliments, all of the above. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team will always be here to keep making your home better and better.