Can our readers believe that it’s almost winter? Time is definitely flying by and we’re enjoying a beautiful autumn, no matter where you live. Every month continues to surprise us and the industry definitely feels the same. Trends are changing, opinions are changing, so many things are changing. Don’t worry – the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is on the case. We always are, whether it comes to the work that we’re doing on the foundation of your home or the support that we show when we share every piece of information that we deem worthy of our valued base of customers. Yes, it’s about that time. Read on for our favorite finds throughout February about just about anything related to your current or future dream home:
Post-pandemic Dream Home
If you didn’t know, there’s a pandemic going on. Jokes aside (we don’t think anything related is funny), it has driven a variety of changes, updates, successes and failures as different economic sectors decide different ways to work and different ways to help out their customers. Construction and home design is no different, in fact, it’s been a great role model. We’re looking at a new future in a lot of areas, and staying on top of information like this is absolutely vital for our company to succeed and for our customers to be safe and comfortable. We’re talking about the post-pandemic home. Check out this link for more information.
How to Make a Mood Board for Interior Design
To the point above, many are spending more time than previously anticipated at home and maybe even in a state of solitude. As you’ll see on pretty much every aspirational site, this is the perfect time to inspire and motivate yourself creatively. We may be biased, but since your home is pretty much the most perfect slate to exercise such skills, we loved this article. Heard of mood boards? We’re sure you have. In some capacities, you may think that they’re a little bit bogus, but they’re actually a really great tool to design your dream home. You just need to know how to properly design one. Style, mood and colours are the three key words that you need to think about, but we’ll let you check out the article in full to answer all of the other questions that you may have.
Dreaming of Growing Your Produce?
We’re also sure that many of you are simply looking for a hobby. When you work with every facet of our customers’ homes, looking in and looking out, you start to think about what could be done to make the best homes even better. You notice trends. You notice what works and what doesn’t. If you’re someone who is looking for a hobby, might we suggest growing your own vegetables in your garden? It’s even easier than you may think. From everyone we know who has explored this – it’s incredibly satisfying. You’re saving money, you’re eating something you’ve created yourself in some cases, and you’re limiting your carbon footprint. Learn more here.