August Home News

August Home NewsHow is lockdown going for our wonderful community of customers? We’d love to hear and engage with you. We know that it can be tough and that’s why we want to be there for you, no matter what you need. It may not be the best time to embark on a home renovation project or even that work that you’ve been meaning to complete for months, but that doesn’t need to stop you from learning and being inspired by everything else that’s going on in the small pockets of beauty and innovation around the globe. We promise they’re there. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team is passionate about looking for the positive and finding solutions. We love our monthly round-ups of home news and this month is no different. Read on for more information:

In the days of COVID-19 and everything else that’s going on, technology has never served a more important role. Remember when movies were popular with robots and we thought that would never come to fruition? Well, fantasy is increasingly becoming a reality in different capacities and 3D printing is a great example of this. While the printers are still expensive, large-scale, and not necessarily manufactured for mass production, construction and architecture are two such industries that are keeping a close eye on the evolution of different products and how they can impact constructing some of the coolest structures and art around the world. We found a great example. According to This is Colossal: “To create the three-room home, the duo employs a custom, portable robot that they transport to various sites, allowing them to dig soil and other materials and immediately shape it into the necessary structures.” Check out this link for more information.

Did you know that there is a World Photography Day? We didn’t but do now. Given the inception of Instagram and a dozen other platforms, it does seem like pretty much everyone can be a Diane Arbus or Annie Leibowitz, but the true-blue pioneers behind the camera now officially (we’re not quite sure how official it is) have a day to celebrate themselves and their work. What we noticed when perusing the 2020 notables is that there’s a common theme of beautiful architecture and landscapes. Like we said, never has there been such an optimal moment to focus on inspiration and planning versus execution, so articles like this and the information shared are a great place to start. Check out this link for more information.

It’s also an interesting time to think through your current career and potential shifts in the future. Whether you love what you do and are looking for a job on the side or are ready to follow a full overhaul of your day-to-day, there are a host of resources and those to connect with about what the next path means for you. We spend a lot of time outside, it’s frequently the best way to see if you have any foundation damage. So, we have immense respect for landscapers and gardeners. Think this is a path you might want to follow? Here’s a great article with what skills you should hone.