The Greatest Natural Disasters of the Last Ten Years (Part 2)

The Greatest Natural Disasters of the Last Ten Years (Part 2)It is never any fun when the conversation topic isn’t one that’s uplifting and encouraging to our community of homeowners. You’re our greatest asset on the Victorian Foundation Repairs team… and for good reason. You keep us in business, you keep us motivated, you ensure that we’re committed to learning, growing and staying ahead of the game in the industry. What better way than blogs like this one? When you know everything, you need to know – not just about reinforcing your foundation – but about your property at large, you get EXCITED about enhancing one of the greatest investments that you’ll make in your life.

Part of that means preparing for the worst. Again, it’s no fun, but it’s right thing to do. Today, we’re diving right back in to recaps of the worst natural disasters as of late:

Straight from Owlcation:

Are Natural Disasters Increasing?

“Another thing that has risen in the past years are the financial costs incurred by natural disasters. International organizations such as the Red Cross say that the world’s yearly post-disaster cost is around 65 billion US dollars. Compare that to the four billion spent fifty years ago, adjust for inflation, and you’ll see how expensive reparations are becoming.

Because of our careless abuse of the environment, the number of natural disasters and the cost of cleaning them up will continue to rise.”

Straight from Our World in Data:

Empirical View

“Human impacts from natural disasters are not fully captured in mortality rates. Injury, homelessness, and displacement can all have a significant impact on populations.

Interactive charts on the following global impacts are available using the links below:

  • Injuries: number of people injured is defined as “People suffering from physical injuries, trauma or an illness requiring immediate medical assistance as a direct result of a disaster.”
  • Homelessness: number of people homeless is defined as “Number of people whose house is destroyed or heavily damaged and therefore need shelter after an event.”
  • Affected: number of people affected is defined as “People requiring immediate assistance during a period of emergency, i.e. requiring basic survival needs such as food, water, shelter, sanitation and immediate medical assistance.”
  • Total number affected: total number of people affected is defined as “the sum of the injured, affected and left homeless after a disaster.”

Straight from CNBC:

2017 — a Year of Disaster

“2017 was a devastating year with natural disasters such as catastrophic floods, wildfires and earthquakes affecting millions across the globe. Sigma recently estimated that disasters this year caused an estimated $306 billion in total economic losses. Global insured losses made it the third-most expensive year for the insurance industry.”

As you can see, we paint a grim but important picture and appreciate all of the aforementioned sources in the last two posts on stories that have really shaped not only our current environment, but all of the events that have brought us to where we are today.

Questions? Comments? Let the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs know. We’re committed at turning your current house into your dream home.

The Greatest Natural Disasters of the Last Ten Years (Part 1)

The Greatest Disasters of the Last Ten YearsWe never want to write about negative things, but we always want to write about important things. That can have a really subjective connotation, depending on the audience. One person whose produce goes bad may have one perception of what a sad day can be. Another can have a high pain and adrenaline tolerance, thinking something else entirely. We – as the Victorian Foundation Repairs team – aim to answer the call of both. We’re committed to reinforcing the foundation of your home and know that both physically and emotionally, that means making things safe and comfortable from the ground up. Aside from our top-notch customer service and best-in-class materials and processes (say that ten times fast), that means that it’s important for us to share information. We believe that when our customers are equipped with all of the information that they can possibly learn, they’ll only be more and more enthusiastic and engaged with the process of any home renovations.

So, now you know why we started this company and this blog. But why this topic? Who wants to talk about the greatest disasters? We do, so that you know exactly what to do, should anything ever happen to you. Read on for more information:

Straight from Science Eve:

2010 Haiti Earthquake

“Haiti, the Caribbean Country faced an earthquake of magnitude 7.3 M­W on 12th of January 2010 at 16:53 local time (21:53 UTC). The Epicenter was about 25 Kilometers from west of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Haiti earthquake is listed among worst natural disasters in the last 10 years. In this deadliest earthquake 220,000 casualties were approximated and more than 300,000 were injured. More than 3 million people become homeless in this natural disaster.”

Straight from US News:

Papua New Guinea: Earthquake

“There were 145 deaths when a 7.5 magnitude earthquake struck the Southern Highlands province of Papua New Guinea in February, triggering a major aftershock and some landslides. Close to half a million people were affected by the disaster, according to ReliefWeb.”

Straight from Security Magazine:

Two Billion People Hit by Natural Disasters in the Past Decade

“According to The World Disasters Report 2018 by the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the number of floods (1,522) by far outstrips the number of storms (1,001), other weather-related incidents (634) and all other disaster triggers recorded over the period. Floods are estimated to have affected just under 730 million people – more than one third (37%) of the estimated 2 billion people affected by natural hazards between 2008 and 2017. However, floods accounted for a relatively small number of recorded deaths over the period, at 50,312, representing 7% of the total.”

Shaking your head? We get it. And unfortunately, we’re not done yet. This is part one of two and you’ll see the rest of our info on this series in our next Victorian Foundation Repairs post.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. We look forward to hearing from you.

Home News for April

Home News for AprilAnother month, another epic round-up of home news on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog. If you’re a new friend, we welcome you with open arms. We don’t see prospective or current customers as just that, we know that with transparent and comprehensive communications, we will be friends for life and only continue to expand the community of Victorian Foundation Repairs. What’s one way to do that? This blog, of course! We’re available 24/7 in a myriad of communications mechanisms, but this blog expands even beyond our products and services. And once a month, we get to share the favourite tidbits of knowledge that we’ve found on the World Wide Web that not only inspire us but should entice you to go after the home renovation, landscaping and interior projects that you’ve been putting off for far too long. Read on for more information:

Looking for a career in road construction? Then this article is for you. It can be messy, it can be challenging, but it can also be one of the most rewarding jobs around. Several of our Victorian Foundation Repairs teammates remember growing up and learning just how much those that keep our roads safe make in their regular paychecks. They make this money for good reason, because the purpose of their job is so pivotal. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of training, and specific training at that. Check out this link for more information.

In the same vein, looking to learn more about the evolution of jobs in construction? Then this article is for you. How many of us grew up playing video games and envisioning what the future of the industry looked like? Come on, let’s be honest. We’re betting it’s most of you. Well, the technologies that dictated how we spent our downtimes growing up, are now the same technologies that are recruiting the best construction experts and helping them to use their time as wisely as they possibly can. Check out this link for more information.

(There seems to be a theme here…) If you’re interested in the future of landscaping, this article is for you! We’re all about sustainability at Victorian Foundation Repairs, and we’re not the only ones. It’s a buzzword that’s taking the industry by storm and in a number of different ways. We’re looking at how we save materials, we’re looking at how we save natural resources like sunlight and water, and we’re always looking the best ways to limit our carbon footprint. What’s a carbon footprint, you may say? Check out this site for more information. But, that’s not all that we’re talking about in this article. In fact, there are small and easy ways that you can take a look at the way that you’re treating the environment and still ensure that your landscaping is the best on the block. Check out this link for more information.

Questions? Comments? Let the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs know! We’re always looking to hear from you and start the conversation about ensuring your home is as safe and comfortable as possible!

Five Key Things to Look for in a Contractor

Five Key Things to Look for in a ContractorSeems a little bit biased, doesn’t it? After all, we’ll give a sneak preview to this article and let you know that embody all of the latter-mentioned qualities. But for the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs, it really doesn’t matter to us which company you go with. What really matters to us, is that you’re happy, your home is safe and comfortable, and you feel empowered to have the right conversations and make the best decisions for you and your family. Your home is one of the biggest investments you can possibly make, and we truly care about ensuring that it’s a place where you can make generations of memories. So, for us, that doesn’t mean promoting our services and products, it means standing up thing like this blog as a conversation piece where you can learn and feel totally confident that you’ve got the work ahead under control. In that vein, today’s post focuses on ten things that we find truly a necessity in any contractor:

1. Kindness

Odd one to start with, right? But your home is your baby (for lack of a better term) and anybody who impacts it, is sort of like a babysitter or relative. We want you to feel like you’re in the best hands possible, and that starts with kindness in every sense of the word.

2. Transparency

If there’s one thing we shake our heads at, it’s unauthenticity. There is simply no reason to not be upfront with your customers and to always be honest. It goes up above and beyond simply sharing how much things will cost and how much time we’ll spend fortifying the foundation of your home; it means that we want to be the ones to educate you on every step of the process. When we do this, you feel comfortable, and we create a far stronger bond, which ends in much better results.

3. Experience

Yes, yes, we could preach it over and over again, but that’s because it’s important! In the age of the internet, it’s easy enough to google or search for contractors in your area. Easy is not as good as important. Important is thoroughly investigating those who will be doing work on your home and asking those closest to you for their recommendations. Don’t feel badly about doing this! They’ll be more than happy to give their two cents, and everyone benefits in the long-haul.

4. Response

Not quite the same as communication, but in the same vein. You want your contractor to be at your beck and call, as you see fit. We’re not recommending that you call up every ten minutes to hear how the job is going, but they should be available, should you have any questions, comments or changes to the scope of work at hand.

5. Results

This ties into all of the above, but especially experience. You know how we mentioned that you should talk to your friends about the experience of your chosen contractor? Here are the most tangible answers. Any solid contractor will have proof and pictures on their Website to prove just how proud and passionate they are about their work.

The Sneaky Ways that the Cold Affects Your Home

The Sneaky Ways that the Cold Affects Your HomeSome of us love the cold, no doubt about it. And some of us truly hate it. It’s why you head south of the equator. You know that birds fly south, why wouldn’t you? (They’re way smarter than we give them credit for!) While, whether or not you think that the cold is the way to go, you also have to think about the ways that it impacts your home. Every season does. When the heat tends to penetrate, that means that circulation declines immediately. When the temperatures begin to cool, it’s time or you to re-evaluate the insulation that you choose to invest in when you designed and constructed your home.

You know what investment you won’t regret year-round? Any to do with taking care of your home. It should be comfortable, it should be safe, it should be aesthetically pleasing, and it should put a smile on your face. You should never have to feel uneasy about the price of the timeline that it will take. You should never feel like you don’t have the information that you need to make the decision that makes the most sense for your family and loved one. And this, our friends, is where we made the decision to start the best blog around as far as ensuring that your home is comfortable and safe. If we’re continually pushing ourselves, that means that we only continue to offer more and better services and products for you – our customers. That means that we always have your back, and in this week’s installment in the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog, our goal to set you up for success as the temperatures get lower and lower. Read on for more information:

The biggest theme is preparation and it covers a ton of different tips. The first may seem totally obvious, but… “stay warm” This could be the first thing that comes to mind easily, for your body, but not necessarily for your home. While a lot of maintenance doesn’t need that much of a heads up, anything at this level, related to your home, does. We’re talking like eight months ahead. Insulation should be one of your favourite words about eight months prior to when you know that the area where you live may be hit pretty hard by Mother Nature. Properly insulating your home doesn’t just help you physically, it takes care of the longevity of your home! Want a magic number? Look for 18 degrees, Celsius. If this isn’t the case, you could be looking at frozen pipes pretty quickly!

Double-check your chimneys! (Say that ten times fast). Even when it’s cold outside, there are actually higher likelihoods that home fires will start. Not to fear, when you listen to the advice of Victorian Foundation Repairs, you’re good to go. Inspect your chimney once a year, towards the beginning of colder months and put screens over your fireplaces.

Our last tip of this post requires a slight comfort with heights. Yes, we’re talking about your gutters. They’re one of the least loved and most mis-remembered parts of your home, but we share this as a cautionary tale. Just as easily as your pipes can freeze over, so can your gutters to the actual structure of your home. Your roof is definitely one area of your home that you don’t want sleek and icy during cold and wet months!

Need more advice? Keep checking back in to the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog!

Five Things You Never Knew About Your Home

Five Things You Never Knew About Your HomeWe get a lot of interesting questions at Victorian Foundation Repairs. Some make sense, like, “how much is this going to cost me?” or, “what makes you the best in the business and why should I work with you?” The second was a little bit of a cheat as it was two questions in one, but all of these answers are easy. They’re easy because the team here is transparent and knowledgeable, and moreover, we want to have these conversations with you! We relish them, not only because they set you up for success, but because sometimes they challenge us. We love a good challenge, because we believe that complacency should never have a place in our workplace or in your home. Although we’re out in the field all day long, we also want to ensure that you have a place to go for information, right from your couch or kitchen table. And that’s why we started this blog – an extension of the services that we offer, to help educate and engage you.

As mentioned, we get a lot of interesting questions. And we ask a lot of interesting questions. Today on the blog, we thought it would be fun to compile five of the most interesting facts about homes around the world, that we’re betting most of you never knew. And while many of these questions weren’t asked of us, if they’re ever asked of you, you’ll have all of the right answers.

  1. We’re starting with one of the oddest. Did you know that bubble wrap (yes, the packaging that is remarkably fun to pop) was actually designed to be a form of wallpaper? And while the public wasn’t the biggest fan of it in the home, it was this introduction that encouraged IBM to wrap its 1401 variable length computer back in 1959. Today, the owner makes more than $400 million a year.
  2. If you travel to Scotland, you may be intrigued by the number of doors that are painted red. It’s not by accident. Traditionally, it became a sign that you finally owned your home. If you are interested in, or practice Feng Shui, you’ll also know that followers believe that a red door lets in positive energy.
  3. Have you lived in your home for a month? Twenty years? You’re on opposite sides of the average. The median time spent in any home, according to DRM Prefab, is six years. Think about where you were six years ago, or even where you’ll be in six years. Fascinating to think about, right?
  4. If you’re making small adjustments to your home’s design and focusing on doorknobs, experts recommend that you turn to brass. The reason? They disinfect themselves. There are ions in the metal that repel fungi, viruses and germs, so that no impending infection lasts longer than eight hours.
  5. Finally, here’s a funny word of warning. If you travel to Easter Island, beware of the term “tingo.” The idea is that you continue to borrow items of desire from a friend or loved one’s home until there is literally nothing left!

Check back in regularly for more information about Victorian Foundation Repairs’s passion to make your home safe and comfortable, and set you up for success.

The Most Famous Homes in the World – Part 1

The Most Famous Homes in the World – Part 1
Image source: The Redstone Castle

There’s no way that the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs would be able to do what we do as well as we do, if we didn’t have such a comprehensive obsession with everything related to the perfect home. We know, we know – “perfect” house is such a subjective term. That’s the way that it should be, and the reason that the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs loves what we do as much as we do. Every customer is unique and different. Each solution that we provide is equally unique and different. And you know where you can find all of them? On our blog! The blog of the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is the best place to go in order to learn all of the informative and engaging information possible. Today, that means that we’re focusing on some of the most famous homes around the world. Some have inspired us, some have ensured that we remain committed to always continuing to grow and improve and a few leave us asking the important questions that drive us as an evolving company. You may be wondering why this is titled “part one.” Today, we’re talking through examples of the best architecture. In future posts, we’ll talk about the why. Read on for more information:

Obviously, a lot of the most prolific homes that we want to focus on, are especially important to areas of history. Our first is a great example. Cal Metge translates to “House of the Doctor” and during the Spanish Civil War, it was the homestead of the only doctor for many miles in any direction. Anyone passing through the Pyrenees was welcome to stop by for care and support – no matter if they were local or from afar. You can learn more about Cal Metge at this link.

Sometimes examples of architecture are so famous that they’re used again and again in different capacities. That’s certainly the case for Redstone Castle, which has been seen in movies like The Prestige which starred American actors Hugh Jackman and Christian Bale. That’s not the only audience that’s targeted since it was built in the late 1800s. Back then, the owner – coal and steel expert John Cleveland Osgood –opened the doors of the Tudor-inspired abode to politicos like the American John D. Rockefeller as well. You can learn more about Redstone Castle at this link.

Our third property for the day – Falicon Mansion – is in an area of American that you might not expect, the rural state of Missouri. It’s impressive in its architectural stature and has the stories to back up its significant historical role. It’s more than ten thousand square feet with almost 20 rooms on 40 acres. You can learn more about this property here.

Questions? Comments? Let the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs know. It doesn’t matter how out of the box they may be; we’re here for you and excited to reinforce the foundation of your current or next dream home.

Pest Management During Renovation

pest management during renovationThere is nothing like the satisfaction of a job well done after renovation. Everything looks brand new, ready to begin its second life. Nothing can ruin this. Until you hear movement from inside the walls because it turns out you have a rat infestation.

So now you have to redo the whole thing. Is there anything you can do to avoid this not uncommon surprise?

Pest management is crucial during a renovation. In fact, it’s during construction or renovation when the building is most vulnerable to pest infestations. It may not be obvious right away, but this creates a very hospitable for many urban pests, including rodents, cockroaches, and termites.

But fret not! There’s plenty you can do in order to avoid it.

Before the Renovation

“If there is already an infestation in place, it’s probably going to get worse as the renovations proceed”, informs us Alexander Crawley from Fantastic Pest Control (Australia). This opens many new hiding spaces and breeding grounds for vermin. You can be sure they will make full use of it.

“The way to solve this is to perform a pest inspection before any other proceedings”, Crawley continues. “In case there is something, the pest controller can treat it without exacerbating the situation.” It seems like something unnecessary, but it’s extremely useful in the long run. It can potentially save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars in re-renovation.

During the Renovation

The pest controller has checked the premises and everything’s clear. Now what?

There are a number of procedures you would do well to follow:

  • Treat lumber and foundations for termites – termites are very prevalent pests, so you can never be too certain in preventing foundation damage. Treatment and pre-treatment should help protect your lumber from termites and other wood-eating or wood-carving pests;
  • Avoid using cellulose materials – the vast majority of buildings use wood or other cellulose-rich building materials, which makes them vulnerable to pests. Avoid, if possible.
  • Inspect materials before bringing them in – it’s a good idea to perform an inspection before bringing materials in. Stacks of building materials can be used by pests as breeding grounds. Proper inspection is paramount before bringing them in.
  • Place baits to keep pests away – your pest management expert can place baits and traps that will keep the pests away.
  • Keep water away – pests are often attracted by water. Make sure you keep it away from the renovation grounds. Don’t leave water puddles, buckets, or any other type of still water around. This is asking for an infestation.
  • Keep the place clean – renovations are a mess. Here at Victorian Foundation Repairs we know that better than most. There’s no way around it. However, keeping the mess at a relatively low level and avoiding food waste is essential to avoid pests.
  • Work closely with a pest management technician – having someone perform regular inspections and making sure there aren’t any pests left sealed in the walls is a good idea. It can save a lot of money in the long run.

After Renovation

Perform another pest inspection before the project is finalized. Make sure everything is in order before the final sealing. If everything went smoothly, you should be pest-free for awhile and will get to marvel at the newly renovated building or room. Don’t let pests ruin your plans. For advice, tips and professional help, get in touch or ask for a quote.

How Much Time Should You Spend on Your Home?

How Much Time Should You Spend on Your HomeOne might think that the process of choosing and purchasing or renting a home is the biggest time investment that you’ll make. This makes a lot of sense, especially since the aforementioned activities are well-known for being some of the most stressful milestones you can accomplish in your life – right up there with marriage and divorce. While that sounds depressing, the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs wants to give a big pat on the back of anyone who has pursued these milestones. It’s a big deal!

The Victorian Foundation Repairs team got together and started this business because of the value that we put on your home. We want you safe and comfortable and one of the best ways to contribute to that is reinforcing the foundation of your home properly. We do this through reblocking, restumping and underpinning. We wouldn’t be where we are, if we didn’t constantly share the information that we learn. Why keep that to ourselves? Instead, we figured that we would only benefit by building tools like this blog, so that the conversation can reach as many of our community members as possible. When you have all of the transparent information that you need, the sky is the limit.

While we wish that you were done with the work as soon as your home is purchased, that’s unfortunately not the case. Maintenance is a necessary evil, but what are the priorities? Here’s our two cents:

Interior of Your Home

You see the interior of your home more than anyone else. You come home at the end of the day and want to enjoy the clean and warm (or cool) comfort of your bedrooms, bathrooms, and social areas. Make the interior of your home an area that you’d be proud of. Spend an hour a week leveraging checklists like this one. You’ll be even more proud of the purchase that you’ve just made and want to share it with as many loved ones as possible. Spend 15 minutes every day completing chores like dishes, sweeping (bonus for no allergens in the air!) and laundry as necessary.

Exterior of Your Home

This is a little bit more weather-specific. When the sun is shining, all you want to do is hang out outside. The best way to do this is when your yard is groomed, and you don’t need to focus on the chores that need to be done. Get ahead of the seasons, by thinking one ahead. At the end of the summer, know that clearing your gutters of leaves is on the horizon. At the end of the colder months, think about what plants are really going to thrive once the sun comes back out. Being prepared is the key here.

Ultimately, you get out what you put in when it comes to your home. If you spend the time and the money to make it beautiful and comfortable, you benefit the most. If you simply don’t have the time and it’s a lower priority, remember that it’s those small items of upkeep that provide the most value in the long run. More to come on this topic, stay tuned…

How to Use Your Deck This Autumn

How to Use Your Deck This AutumnWhen you hear the term Victorian Foundation Repairs, (as we’re sure that you do frequently), you probably assume that restumping is the only service that we offer, and that Melbourne is the only area in which we offer it. Wrong! Restumping is just the tip of the iceberg for the team here, and we service all sorts of areas around Melbourne. If you’ve checked out our site recently, you know that we offer underpinning, restumping, reblocking and more. The *more* is what we want to focus on today, specifically around the almighty deck or veranda. This is an area of your home that we want to shine a light on, and this blog is an area of our site that we want to profile just as well. When a company does a blog well, it just gives visitors more and more incentives to return and join our community. That’s really the biggest goal of the company. We see our customers as friends and want to impart as much of our wisdom as possible. Today, that means that we’re focusing on the best ways to use your deck as we stretch into the beauty of autumn in our region. Read on for more:

First things first, how do you maintain? It becomes just as crucial during the colder and wetter months as it does when it makes sense to be outside. Your first thought may be to install a roof over your deck or veranda. Don’t fret, this doesn’t need to be a permanent solution. There are all sorts of retractable covers available, both locally and on the World Wide Web. These are a great way to ensure that you can take advantage of the outdoor space that you’ve put so much effort into, no matter what Mother Nature has in store. Feeling sceptical? We get it. You can learn more information about the pros and the cons here.

Piggybacking on that, there are so many beautiful elements to the autumn. The leaves turn colours, the air feels crisp, and you have so many different activities to look forward to. You can easily look forward to them from the comfort of your deck or veranda. The way that you build and design it, you can easily incorporate entertainment and hosting elements so that you can either lead the party or kick back with those that are closest to you. Here are some great ways to throw autumn parties outdoors.

Finally, we would be remiss if we didn’t talk about the best ways to take care of your deck or veranda when it really starts to get cold and wet. We’re sure that you took great care of it during the summer, sweeping and shining as needed. When it starts to get wet, make sure that your deck has a primer and sealant on it, so that it’s not susceptible to mould or rot. You can learn more about this, here.

Questions? Let us know. We’re excited to hear from you!