March Home Renovation News

March Home Renovation NewsWho is loving the weather right now? We know that we are, but we’re not the best resource because we love it all year around. Every new season, we clasp our hands together and embrace the few months that will follow, because we know that every new season brings something and exciting and different to the strategy of the Victorian Foundation Repairs team, our Website and our blog. We appreciate the continued following of those who check in, month after month, week after week, on the topics that we think will be the most important to you. We also appreciate the newbies (for lack of a better term) that are visiting us for the first time! In your honour, we’ve put together a truly special monthly recap of the news on the Web that we think is most beneficial to you – not just for your home’s foundation, but for every other element of your home and your role as a homeowner. Read on for more information:

When you need an easy fix for a difficult problem…

It is always such a game-changer when we find the articles on the Web that actually make things easier for you. We consider ourselves a cut above the competition, because we will never upsell you. Our goal is to solve the challenges that you confront – especially related to your foundation and everything related. This article and the tips shared support this. It’s not always as difficult as you think to troubleshoot the home opportunities that you run into. We aim to always share these resources with our valued base of customers. You can learn more about this topic at this link.

When you want to stay ahead of the game in architecture trends…

We would never succeed as we have if we didn’t try to forecast on trends and the best ways to mitigate any challenges that you would have. So, an important part of articles like this will always be thinking about/aspiring to help meet the visions of many visionaries in our industry and beyond. It’s something that we tend to wax lyrical about on our breaks, just really thinking about how we can break barriers and inspire others. This article is right in-line with our vision, looking at the future and the culture of Pre-Fab housing in Australia. You can learn more about this topic at this link.

When you’re interested in sustainability and the small tweaks that we’re making in building to make the world a better place!…

(Phew, long heading!) This really should be a pride and joy for all companies, no matter what area of the business that they work in. At Victorian Foundation Repairs, we know that the future should only limit our carbon footprint and that we, as businesses, play a really important role in this work. This article focuses on the best ways to use materials and items that we’d otherwise see as waste and instead investing them in the future of our success. You can learn more about this topic here.

Questions? Comments? Give us a shout! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.

When Does it Make the Most Sense to do Home Renovations?

When Does it Make the Most Sense to do Home Renovations?We’re sure that depending on who is reading, your answers to the title of this post will vary. For some of you, the immediate response would be, “absolutely never.” For others who are extremely excited to execute updates on your home, the answer may be, “all of the time.” We target both of these and everyone in between on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog. While foundations are our mainstay (building, reinforcing, checking on, and taking the best care of), the only way we can be successful is if we look at the broader picture. That can mean a bunch of different things, but today we’re talking about timing and we’re talking about home renovations. If you’re a regular, we welcome you back and none of this information should come as a huge surprise. If you’re new – we can’t wait to share just how passionate we are about the work that we do and the different industries that we support.

We thought about a few different ways that we could present this information. We could be really detailed and talk about the days and months of the year where it simply makes sense to reinforce your foundation. We could go a level up and think through the weather patterns and seasons where you should look at the different elements of your home. We could go even bigger than that and talk about the process and sequence of your calendar year, when home renovations should take place. We thought about each of these… and decided to do all of the above. Here are our recommendations:

When should I reinforce my foundation (calendar-wise)?

You know the wettest times of year for the neighbourhood and area where you live. Avoid these! If you’re reinforcing your foundation, it’s probably already in-part due to moisture issues. You want to get ahead of these and take advantage of best-in-class solutions like those offered by the Victorian Foundation Repairs team.

When should I reinforce my foundation (in the greater scheme of things)?

We’re going to sound a little bit like the experts we are here… Immediately! If you see any signs of foundation damage, like cracks in the walls, your floor, your door doesn’t swing open properly… it’s time to call us or another expert in your area. This is not an area of one of the most important investments that you’ll ever make, that you ever want to cut corners on.

When should I check off broader home renovations (calendar-wise and in the greater scheme of things)?

There are many more contingencies and check-offs here. Do you have the budget? Do you have the timeline? Are you looking at the different projects that need to be completed and adjusting their priority accordingly? If so, you’ve done your homework and we’re here to support with any questions that you may have.

We’re thrilled you stopped by the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog and here for whatever you need. Give us a shout, we’d love to hear from you.

How to Prevent Foundation Damage

How to Prevent Foundation DamageNot a topic that we touch on a lot, is it? After all, if we’re a company that is so storied as experts in the restumping, reblocking and underpinning businesses, we should want you to have foundation damage, right? Absolutely not. We’ll always be here – by phone, email or in-person – to support if you’ve already reached that point, but it’s in the interests of everyone involved if we’re able to mitigate the issue entirely!

So, what is the homework that you can do to avoid working with us altogether? (We know, we know, we don’t want this to happen either, but we’re here to save you money and time!) You’ve already taken the first and best step. You’ve joined our blog community, and we’re thrilled to have you. It doesn’t matter if you’ve been here once or a million times, we value you, and see you as far more than customers. You’re friends, you’re partners, and we’re with you for life. So, this blog can be our conversation platform to continue all of the important conversations that turn your house into a home.

Step one, complete. Here are other tips that we recommend in order to avoid any kind of reinforcement that you need on your foundation prior to any damage:

Leverage de-humidifiers and fans

We can’t tell you the number of calls, emails and in-person visits (broken record, but you really can reach out to us in every way!), that have to do with moisture. It’s one of those things that falls off of the radar really easily, but the issues associated are so easy to avoid. When you run a shower or a bath and there’s an accumulation of moisture, you have no idea how much of a catalyst it can be to your home and your home’s foundation.

Check all of the time

If your door is not swinging closed all the way, or jamming when you try to properly open it, you probably have an impending issue with your foundation. Keep a regular and critical eye on doors, floors, walls and ceilings, so that you don’t need to call teams like ours.

Do regular research

We know that it’s not fun, but if there have been seismic shifts in your area, or if the soil that your home has been built on has seen an abundance of inclement weather situations, it’s always in your best interest to spend the 30-min a week to check on what’s happening with the weather and the climate. Worst case scenario? You learn the information that you need to know now in order to make the right decision for you. Best case scenario? You become an aficionado about the weather, the climate, the temperatures of your area, and more. You might just find out that you should have gone into meteorology after all!

Questions? Comments? Give us a shout. The team would love to hear from you and start the conversation about the best ways to make your home the very best that it can be.

Home Renovation News – February 2019

Home Renovation News – FebruaryThere are many ways that a business can set itself apart from the rest of the industry. And one of them – ironically – is an invested interest in said industry. You may not know what industry we’re referring to, if you are newer to our Victorian Foundation Repairs site. But if you are, you know that our work extends far beyond the foundation reinforcing solutions that we offer – through underpinning, reblocking and restumping. Each help turn a house into a home, but the only way that we’re able to determine exactly which makes sense for you, is by doing our homework. Enter the blog and enter one of our favourite blog series that we share each month. We already talk about these topics at work and with each other after hours, but with a blog like this, we’re able to promote the stories that mean the most – to you. Read on for our best digital finds in the month of February:

How to Foster More Teamwork in Your Landscaping Company

If you’re interested in learning how to foster teamwork at a company… You’re in the right place. That’s a priority for the Victorian Foundation Repairs team, each and every day. Obviously, the industries that we’re particularly passionate about, have to do with work around your home. That means construction, that means landscaping, that means interior design and more. Whenever we research these pieces of the industry, we love finding companies that really do it right. To us, that means building the right team and treating all teammates with the right level of respect and communication. You can read more about it, here.

Landscaping Around a Tree

If you’re looking to get creative about your landscaping… You’re in the right place. We’re all familiar with the pesky elements of your front or backyard. There may be a plant that’s been bugging you for a while, or a weed that simply won’t go away. The complaint that we hear the most often is around trees. After all, they take up a big piece of your landscaping, and sometimes, they simply need to be the priority. When that’s the case, we want to equip you with the best ways to ensure that both your view and those passing by is as good as it gets. Check out more information, here.

Here’s What 10 Disney Movies Taught Us About Interior Design

If you like to have some fun with interior design (and we know that we do)… You’re in the right place. While the work that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team does, doesn’t have a direct effect on the inside on your home, it does without you even realizing it. When your foundation fumbles, so too do the walls, floors and ceilings of your home. That’s why we like to bring this work into the mix. And who better to describe the best ways to design the interior of your home than Walt Disney? Did you ever imagine that you’d be able to dive into a Disney movie and learn about the best ways to design your home? We sure didn’t. Get all of the insider knowledge, here.

The Design Features Necessary for Natural Disasters

The Design Features Necessary for Natural Disasters None of us like to think about natural disasters, but all of us need to prepare for them. At least that’s how the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs feels. We consider it a trademark of the quality of our work to be well-versed in everything that can set us apart from the competition. If you’ve visited our site and blog, you already know that we are passionate about (and really good at) reinforcing the foundation of your home. If you’re a newer member of the community, welcome! We specialize in restumping, reblocking and underpinning – all of which are valuable services for any home.

While the history of these services is a little bit fuzzy, we do know exactly what issues are avoided if you complete them and check on the foundation of your home regularly. And that’s what brings us back to natural disasters. There are all sorts of different precautions that you need to take in life, but we’re only going to focus on those specific to your house. Here are some of the latest and greatest innovations that you should check out and read up on:

2 x 4

You know that it can be the size of a piece of wood that’s frequently used to build your house, but it’s also a magical ratio as you’re designing and constructing earthquake-resistant structures. While timber is a commonly used building component for good reason, it doesn’t make par with 2 x 4’s, which can help disperse the impact across a broader area.

Damping Structure

Damping structures are walls that absorb the energy created by earthquakes. They’re used universally at a variety of types of properties and businesses, and for good reason. They’re frequently the most successful – minimizing the impact of an earthquake by anywhere between 70 and 80 percent.

Seismic Isolation

The word seismic probably already makes you think of earthquakes. But it’s not always related to an impending disaster. In this scenario, it helps to stop the motion of said earthquakes by inserting materials like laminated rubber into your foundation. Depending on what material you use, it’s possible to reduce the impact up to 50 percent less severe than it would be otherwise.

Preparing for Natural Disasters

While we told you that this article would focus on your home’s precautions for inclement weather, we also know that it’s our responsibility to advise for other ways to prepare as well. You’ll want to store copious amounts of energy, an electric generator if you’re able, a stock of water and food to last at least two weeks, blankets and more. Luckily, between the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs and the World Wide Web, there are a host of different sites that can help you pull together a checklist… just to save for a rainy day.

Questions? Comments? Let the team know by phone, email or in-person. We’re excited to hear from you and bring our premium skills at making sure that your home is safe and comfortable.

The Importance of Staying Local

The Importance of Staying LocalThere’s such an amazing feeling when you walk down the street, head in to a store, and know the name of the person behind the counter. It’s almost equivalent to the level of customer service that you’ll always receive when you work with a local company. This isn’t being condescending or negative to chains that have seen huge success launching across the country and worldwide – instead, it’s extra kudos to the companies who have maintained their roots, the reason that they started in the business and their commitment to the community around them. That’s certainly the case for the company that we’re partnering with today – Valley Windows.

You may have heard of them. They’re all about giving you a better view and do so with premium window and door solutions that work well for every property. As you know, the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is all about ensuring that your home is safe and comfortable. Well, the Valley Windows team is no different, and a big piece of why they can offer the best of the best, is because they do their proper due-diligence and homework, right here, around those that they know best. We’ll let them share exactly why they, (and we) love being local:

You know exactly what your customers are looking for

There are so many varied terrains around the area and the country in-broad, and they need to be treated just as uniquely as they were created. Victorian Foundation Repairs focuses on the terrain and the location, but Valley Windows knows that there are very specific windows, doors and more that will take your home to the next level.

You know where to find the materials that make sense

It’s not as easy as it looks, you know. There is a lot of research, a lot of testing, and many, many approvals before any materials are introduced into the Valley Windows inventory. It doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with them if they don’t make the cut; it only means that they’re a cut above if you find them on the Valley Windows Website.

You’re there on the spot if your customers need you in a heartbeat

That’s such a huge part of the business model and the ethos of both of our companies. Email, phone, in-person, we’re always here and the questions are never too big, too small or too silly. We strongly believe that we should be your one-stop shop (hence this blog and our own) to provide you the information that you need, so that you’re looking forward to the work ahead, instead of dreading it.

If we as the Valley Windows team have accomplished only the above three, we’ve done our job, but that’s only the beginning. There are the conversations around the inputs that we’ll always have for design; ensuring that we design custom craftsmanship that you’re going to love and that will flourish no matter what area you live in.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. We’re looking forward to hearing from you. And be sure to check out the Valley Windows site to learn more information.

How to Get Your Home Ready for Summer

How to Get Your Home Ready for SummerWe know, we know, we’re already there. We’re throwing away the cardigans, and stockpiling all of the heated beverages. We’re breaking out the ice-creams and lollies, we’re stocking up on ice and we’re planning adventures that only make sense during the warmest months of the year. Yes, it’s summer. And while a lot of elements of this help put a smile on your face, there are also important reminders to keep in mind.

Luckily for you, you’re way ahead of the game. You have made the expert decision to stop by the Victorian Foundation Repairs site, and for that – we thank you. We know that you have dozens of options in the immediate area and beyond, but yet, you made the very smart decision to choose Victorian Foundation Repairs. (PS: you made the right decision!) We’re experts in restumping, reblocking and underpinning, all amazing solutions to reinforce the foundation of your home and keep you happy and comfortable. Not just you, but generations to come of your family and friends, who will no doubt, make all of the best memories in your humble abode.

That’s why we started this blog. We knew that we had a wealth of knowledge, and we knew that our community needed it as resources to make the right decisions for you and your home. That mean that the info doesn’t stop at best practices for reinforcing and caring for your foundations – it also means that we’re here to share the fun, engaging and informative articles across the Web, that would be of interest to you!

Today, it’s all about preparing for summer. Here are three of our favourite tips:


Sounds basic and vague, right? In this instance, we’re specifically talking about the necessities that you’ll need inside the home to care for you, your house and your loved ones – be it food, tools, toiletries and more. Sometimes, it just takes too much effort to leave any areas that are properly conditioned or cooled, and why should you have to, if you’ve planned ahead?

Get ready for celebrations

We all get very excited when the temperatures rise and the sun is out to play. It’s the perfect backdrop to all number of parties and celebrations. You can stay out later, not worry about heavy winter coats, and bonus – it tends to be beautiful around here. Make sure that you have everything ready, should you decide to send out the mass invite, turn up the volume and set out the drinks and snacks.

Take care of necessary maintenance

We know that it’s not the most fun, but that doesn’t mean it’s any less important to ensure that you don’t have to spend the most beautiful of summer days, taking care of your home. Here are some quick and easy reminders to have on-hand before the temperatures rise too much: air conditioning, lawn equipment, outdoor entertaining areas and hot water tanks. Doesn’t sound too bad now, does it?

Questions? Comments? Let the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs know! We’re looking forward to a great season ahead.

Happy New Years from Victorian Foundation Repairs!

Happy New Years from Victorian Foundation Repairs!New year, same us. We promise. But that doesn’t mean that we’re not still reveling in the 2018 that was, and the 2019 that’s yet to come. Wow – what an awesome year. We don’t even mind repeating ourselves on this topic, because it means that we can continue to compliment and highlight just how lucky we are to have amazing teammates, partners and customers like you.

Again, we always know just how many different opportunities that you have for resources in the area and beyond. We know that it can be stressful, trying to discern the best companies to work with, when you’re enhancing one of your biggest investments in life – your home. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Between you and us, we will always secretly tell you that you made the right decision, because of our storied history in the industry, our commitment to constant improvement and our passion about making you happy.

All of the above are just a few of the reasons that we’re thrilled to kick off the 2019 year. There is always room for growth – you’ll never see the Victorian Foundation Repairs team complacent. It’s what keeps things exciting around here, and there are fewer times throughout the year when this is more prominent. Some of us believe in resolutions and some of us don’t, but all of us know that we only succeed as a team when we have no problem learning and changing to meet your needs.

So, what can you expect from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team this next 365? If you’re a regular on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog (thank you, thank you), you already know that these posts are a tradition and that there are a few mainstays, which will continue to show up year after year. For those of you that are visiting us for the first time, welcome! We hope that you continue to return and explore exactly how to properly reinforce your house, turn your house into a home and remain passionate and excited about all of the different industries that we touch.

Back to business, what can you look forward to from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team this year. Here goes:

  • New materials – It’s so vital to keep a pulse on the industry and to do deep-dive research beyond just our backyard. It’s so important to us that the wood, the cement, the tools, the accessories that we use, are well-priced, sustainable and ultimately – successful.
  • New processes – There’s always room for improvement here. We can be faster, so that we spend less time disturbing your daily routine. We can work easier, so that our teammates are even happier and more in love with the work that we do.
  • New opportunities – Every time that we add a different kind of terrain or land to our portfolio, we learn new things. Every time we learn new things, we’re able to tackle new challenges, new adventures and ultimately, get the job done for you.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. We’re excited to hear from you.

Home Renovation Trends for 2019

Home Renovation Trends for 2019Every year, we shake our heads in disbelief when we are looking forward to the next 365 and what it might bring. Seriously, we need to stop blinking, because time just seems to zoom by whenever we do. We think we’ve probably filled our “broken record quota” discussing the wins from 2018 and how thankful we are for our valued community of customers. We’re also pretty sure that you get the message that it’s a time for celebration, giving back and enjoying the company of those closest to you. Phew.

Now that we got that out of the way, let’s turn our heads towards 2019. It already feels odd to write, but we suppose that we better get used to it.

A big part of planning for the new year, is knowing what’s to come. A big part of being the best-in-class company that we are for restumping, reblocking and underpinning is staying ahead of the game in the industry. It’s why we do our homework. It’s why we attend tradeshows and have conversations and read and touch and feel the products that could really elevate your experience when reinforcing the foundation of your home. Bottom line – we’re all about ensuring that your home is safe and comfortable. But with the help of this blog, we are also able to showcase other elements of both our industry and homes in a broader sense, that we’re passionate about. It’s a win-win. We get to wax lyrical about what interests us best, and you’re set up for success, knowing as much as you possibly can.

In this vein, let’s take a look at some of the upcoming home renovation trends for 2019:

  • Natural elements – the irony here is that there are so many options on the market for both exterior design features and interior fixtures, but 2019 seems to promise an uptick in leveraging materials straight from Mother Earth. Not only will you potentially save money this way, but you’ll also be giving back to the environment and limiting your carbon footprint.
  • Copper accents – Doesn’t it seem like every few years, there’s that one material that everyone can’t get enough of? Apparently in the coming year, that will be copper. Do your homework here, to ensure that you’re not misusing it and caring for it properly, so it won’t rust.
  • More colour – Gasp! Right? Sorry neutrals, your time is not right now. Doors, shutters, even the entire exterior of your home is now a pallet for you to be an artist with. A couple of things to keep in mind here… first of all, it’s your home – have fun with it and do what makes you happy. On the other hand, if you’re planning on selling any time soon, we recommend that you read up on what homes in your neighborhood are selling best and more importantly, ensuring that you stay in the guidelines of your area’s associations.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.

Getting Ready for the New Year

Getting Ready for the New YearOh, 2018. We have seen you, we have loved and appreciated you, and we are ready for the next year. And a big part of preparing for the holidays and readying ourselves for the new year means that we need to get ourselves all signed up to be our best selves as we tackle 2019.

There are a lot of variables here. Some of them have to do with closing the books. Some of them have to do with looking toward the new year and knowing that it’s going to be better than all of the previous and not as good as any of the rest. Some of them have to do with being grateful and knowing that the coming year is going to be amazing, if we take into account the partners, the customers, the teammates and everyone associated with the Victorian Foundation Repairs team who have not only made the past year the best that’s been for this company and this community, but also knowing our commitment to the best year ever. Phew – long-winded sentence, but it’s worth it, when we discuss all of the work and the people that we’re most passionate about.

So, while there will definitely be a more concrete post in the future about what 2019 looks like, today is just a reiteration of what this past 366 has means to us and why.

Yeah, we’ve said it. But we’ll re-say it. We feel like you as customers and partners have been the very best of the best. And here are the ways that we think that you should prepare for a new year:

  • Clean! – No better way to kick off New Year’s Day. We put a lot of stock into spring cleaning. Small-scale, large-scale, it doesn’t matter. When you clean properly, you go into a new year in the best mindset possible. While spring cleaning gets most of the credit, we’d like to give some to the new year as a fresh slate.
  • Make all of your resolutions! – Again, no pressure here. But we’re in a giving and kind mood on the Victorian Foundation Repairs team and we know that this is the best time to make goals and bets. Extra incentive – make the bets with us… we’re ready…. Insert devil face.
  • Make amends – Okay, a little bit emotional here, but for good reason. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team knows that we put a lot of stock in those that are most important to us, and that means that we want to endorse and advocate for everyone who cares about each other. Public Service Announcement – it’s the time of year to give all of the love that you possibly can. Need the help of this team? You can reach out to us via email, phone, in-person, doesn’t matter.

Happy Holidays from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team !