August Home Renovation News- Part 2

August Home Renovation News Part 2It’s not every month that there’s enough home renovation news that it merits two posts on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog. After all, we comb the internet for the best of the best to share with our most valuable asset – our community of customers. We don’t just see you as customers. We see you as friends and family. Our relationship starts as soon as you reach out to the Victorian Foundation Repairs team and continues long after the work is complete. We’re on hand, not only to answer any questions that you might have, but we’re also available to chat about anything that’s on your mind. Thanks to decades of experience we’re well-versed in the industry. Thanks to a drive to always improve, we continue to want to educate ourselves and you about what’s going on in home renovations, landscaping, architecture and more. As regular know, part of this is a monthly round-up of home renovation news. We kicked this off in our last post and continue it today. Read on for more of our favourite finds on the internet this month.

How to Maximize Increases in Your Home Value

In the back of every homeowner’s mind is the reminder that he or she should always be thinking about improving the value of his or her home. Home values and prices fluctuate, they’re very fluid, and homeowners have a much larger role in determining them than they realize. They can have a very positive effect by actively monitoring what kinds of improvements can be made like touching up paint or updating the wiring. They can also have a very negative effect if they let important home renovations sit or ignore them completely. But when you do take care of your home, you allow the equity to grow. That’s what this article focuses on. It discusses the opportunities that you have to borrow against your equity and make your house even better. It’s basically the gift that keeps on giving. Check out this article for more information.

6 Tips for Properly Caring for Your New Construction Home

Taking care of your home ties in perfectly to our second article. Picture this – you’ve just purchased a new home. You spent so much time, money and energy into choosing it. You looked at dozens until you found the one that was just right for you and your needs. Now it’s time to celebrate and make generations of memories, right? Well, yes and no. Yes on the celebrations for sure. Purchasing a home is a big achievement. But there is a contingency on making generations of memories – you need to take care of the home! This article gives a great overview of the best ways to take care of your new construction home. The chores take minimal time with regular oversight and the benefits are exponential. Remember that whole, “keeping resale value in the back of your mind?” Taking care of your home ensures that that resale value is exactly where you want it to be. Check out this article for more information.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.

August Home Renovation News

August Home Renovation NewsAh, August. The kids are almost free (which is both a good thing and a bad thing for you). The weather is warming up and you have some vacation days to look forward to (hopefully). This means that there is both relaxation and productivity on the horizon for you and it’s up to you to decide which way this combination skews. We get it. After a while, even sleeping in and eating to your hearts content can reach a peak at which point you know that you want to get off of the couch and accomplish things that you haven’t had time to do during the school terms. Looking for inspiration? Look no further.

Luckily for you, you’ve stumbled across (or let’s face it – you have us bookmarked) the Victorian Foundation Repairs site and blog. Welcome! Or for those who are regular visitors, welcome back! Whether you’re new or an old friend, you’ll quickly learn that this site and this blog are a great hub for all things related to restumping, reblocking and underpinning. But we go beyond that. Because we know that when our customers have knowledge in the broader home renovation realm, you feel comfortable and confident in the decisions that you make for your loved ones and your home. So today, we once again share a tradition. That tradition is a monthly round-up of all of the news in the broader industries that we think will entertain and inform you. It’s been a busy and exciting month. Read on for part one of two of more of our favourites found on the Web this month.

Renovation-Free Home Makeovers

Picture this… a renovation-free home makeover. It sounds like an enigma doesn’t it? It may have been up until recently, when technology, science, art and design intersected to provide new and exciting ways for you to jazz up your home with minimal time and financial investment. This article can be found on the Quickenloans site and details quick and easy ways that you can take your home to the next level without losing a dime. Examples include afternoon projects like rearranging your furniture, which can make all the difference in the world. Check out the article here for more information.

DIY Don’ts For Your Most Successful Home Renovation Projects Yet

Home renovation is the name of the game today and for good reason. After all, the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is dedicated to reinforcing the foundation of your home, and every other project will sit on top of it. So, home renovations when done right are both inspiring and important to us. This article doesn’t talk through examples of home renovations done right, but it does talk about new tips and tricks, best practices and hints to ensure that they’re done successfully, under budget and in a timely manner. Have we piqued your interest? Check out the article here for more information.

As stated above, it’s been an exciting month. So, we’ll be doubling your dose of fun and rolling out another round-up of news and articles in the coming days. Questions? Let us know!

The Surprising Way That Your Foundation Boosts Your Curb Appeal

The Surprising Way That Your Foundation Boosts Your Curb AppealCurb appeal may be one of the most frequently used buzz words in the home renovation, purchasing and building space. In fact, it’s a bit of an odd phrase; who wants their curb to have appeal? The irony is, many don’t know that the curb appeal has little to do with the curb, instead referring to the first impression that a home gives off when someone walks by. Luckily for you, you’ve stopped by the Victorian Foundation Repairs site and blog!

Not only is this your home for the best underpinning, reblocking and restumping products and services in the area, it’s also your hub for all of the information that you need to make the right decisions for you and your home. We don’t believe that our expertise and advice should end at the core services that our business was built on. Instead, we believe that when you have all of the information that you need – home renovations, home building, landscaping, you name it – you’ll feel far more comfortable and confident completing the projects that are important to you.

But while we have spent decades educating ourselves and our team on what’s going on in broader industry, today we’re talking specifically about your foundation. We’re discussing the surprising role that it has in boosting your curb appeal.

It doesn’t make sense right away, does it? After all, you don’t see the foundation of a home from the street. (At least, we hope you don’t. If you do, we’ve got bigger problems to tackle…) While you may not see the foundation from the street, you do see all the side effects of foundation jobs gone wrong. There’s a reason that fundamental components of anything are referred to as foundations. They’re the root, the base, what everything is built on. And if they’re not in good shape, everything else suffers.

Have you passed a house recently that just didn’t look like it was as sturdy as it could be? Maybe a home that had seen better days when it comes to paint? Perhaps you’ve even seen a home with cracks in the walls or the roof. These are all common side effects of restumping, reblocking or underpinning jobs gone wrong. See, when the foundation isn’t properly fortified, the above-mentioned telltale signs indicate it immediately. And it’s very important to problem-solve this right away, because these problems will only get worse.

Conversely, when a foundation job is done right, it’s apparent in every other piece of the building. And if you’re looking to sell in the near future, you have twice as much incentive to get the work done right, now. Prospective buyers are bound to ask about the structure itself, as well as renovations and past construction jobs that have taken place. The last thing that you want is your foundation to hold you back from a sale.

Ready to make the jump and reinforce your foundation? Reach out to the Victorian Foundation Repairs team. We’d love to hear from you.

How the Seasons Affect Your Foundation

How the Seasons Affect Your FoundationTime is one of the great paradoxes. It always seems to speed up when you wish you could relish the moment and lags on continuously with no end in sight when you’re in the middle of one of your less desired chores. But no matter what your perception is, every year continues to be 365.25 days, about 52 weeks and four seasons. It’s the four seasons that the Restumping team would like to focus on today. If this is your first time visiting the Victorian Foundation Repairs site, we’re thrilled to have you here. Consider this blog an example of the first-time scenario – time flies around here, but don’t worry – we always post content on a regular basis that you’ll find both entertaining and informative. Thanks to our decades of experience in the restumping, reblocking and underpinning industries, we know that the products and services that we offer our valued community of customers is just one piece of the puzzle. It’s important for you to understand how we fit into the broader home renovation picture, the landscaping picture, even the interior design picture. The way we lead the charge on this is information sharing and today, we’re talking about those four seasons.

Okay, you ask, what do the seasons have to do with the durability of my home’s structure? Far more than you think. We’ve come a long way in looking at the engineering of foundations. We’ve learned that you can’t just build structures on top of land, that you actually have to root them into the ground. We’ve moved from timber posts to steel installations, testing throughout the process and switching course when we need to.

So, what happens with the changing of seasons? Unless you’re lucky enough to live in one of our more tropical, beach destinations, it’s a safe bet that weather patterns will change. You’ll be dealing with more rain in spring, autumn and winter than in the warmer months of summer. Conversely, in the summer, you’re dealing with dry or muggy hot air that can wreak just as much havoc on your home’s foundation.

That’s why we recommend keeping an eye on some key signs of foundation movement and tracking on those once a season. Some are pretty obvious – if you see cracks in your walls or notice that your doors or windows won’t open and shut properly, you may be looking at foundation damage. It’s important to note that that’s not always necessarily the case, but the Victorian Foundation Repairs team will always suggest that being safe is better than being sorry. There are also even more obvious signs like water in your crawl space or basement if you have one, as well as sloping floors.

The aforementioned moisture is really the culprit here. When the rain arrives, there’s much higher risk of mould and moisture issues. But you don’t need to call an expert. Just keep an educated eye on your home and give the Victorian Foundation Repairs team a call with any questions and all needs.

The History of Mobile Homes

The History of Mobile HomesWorking at a company that helps to reinforce your home from the ground up, we get a lot of questions about mobile homes. If you’re unfamiliar, these run the gamut. They can mean everything from trailers to wagons to pre-manufactured homes to tiny homes. The common thread is that they can be easily moved at any given time – with varying rates of effort and logistics.

Yes, the purpose and passion of the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is to ensure that your permanent home stays exactly where it is, but the purpose and the passion of the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog is to be experts in all surrounding arenas and to share everything that we know with you. We know that when we spread the knowledge love, we set our customers up for success, ensuring that you’re comfortable and well-educated about whatever home-related projects are in your future. So whether it’s just for entertainment and insight, or you’re thinking about uprooting your life and traveling the country in a mobile home – this article is for you.

Did you know that the first mobile home dates back to the 1500s? Guess tiny houses weren’t as ahead of the game as we thought they were. But, back then, they had a much more simplified design. They were wagons or horse-drawn carriages. Here’s an example:

The first “moveable home” noted in frequently socialized history books was in the USA on the banks of a river. When the water level rose, a whole team of horses would help move it to higher ground, so that it wasn’t impacted by water.

Moveable or mobile homes became far more functional in the last hundred years. Families in developing economies needed to move frequently to follow the work that was available to them. This meant that it didn’t make sense to purchase a permanent home.

The solution? Pull-trailers! You see them if you’re a camping enthusiast. They could pull carts, they could pull vehicles, and they began to pull homes. Evolution happened quickly and by the 1940s, these trailers could pull items that were up to 20-feet long. This coincided with the return of World War 2 vets, a massive audience, so housing that wasn’t extremely expensive was a commodity.

You’re probably more familiar with the updates that have been made since then, but in the 1970s, there began to be legislation which held these mobile homes to certain codes and standards. These laws were put in place so that inhabitants were safe and comfortable.

Today, they’re not just functional, but can be real works of art. In the past, we’ve discussed tiny homes and the scenarios in which they may make sense for you. We’ll continue to dive deeper into this topic and explore different styles of homes which work for your family and loved ones.

Questions? Comments? Give us a shout. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you and reinforce your foundation so that you’re set up for success.

Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 2

Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 2Welcome back to the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog! We’re thrilled that you’ve visited, and we’re excited to share with you what we’re passionate about – reinforcing the foundation of your home. We know that when we do this successfully, we help literally build your home from the ground up and turn it into a safe and comfortable space that you won’t have to worry about for decades to come. So while our first priority is your home’s foundation, it’s also important to us that we set our customer community up for success by info-sharing. This blog serves as a hub for information related to the foundation of your home as well as information around home renovations, landscaping and more. If you’ve checked in recently, you read about lighting the exterior of your home. This is important both for the health and safety of anyone living in or visiting your home, but it’s also a vital component of curb appeal. Let’s dive into more tips and tricks:

One buzzword that you’ll hear from experts a lot is “the moonlight effect”. That’s what we’re going to focus on in this post. Sounds mysterious, doesn’t it? It’s actually extremely beneficial for both safety and curb appeal. It’s a very natural look that isn’t quite as intense as a full moon (hence the name), but still helps create both the shadows and the highlights that a moon would provide.

There are some simple and effective ways that you can help create the moonlight effect:

Make sure that you’re highlighting any trees that you have on your property. It doesn’t matter if your exterior lights are up in the branches or at the base of the tree, it provides a pretty stunning juxtaposition.

Uplighting is another method that you can provide unique lighting outside. Instead of tilting lights upwards, try mixing it up and pointing them down. This is helpful for illuminating special features on your property and directing traffic.

As with any home renovation projects, you do want a focus. Conflicting lights can be confusing and not aesthetically pleasing. That can also run up the cost of lighting the exterior of your property and puts extra work on your plate if you have to constantly change out light bulbs.

Make sure that you’re finding the balance between beauty and function. There’s a common misconception that they need to be separated but that’s not the case, they’re actually tied together. Think about the elements that you already have on your property. What needs to be highlighted? Where do you need lights in order to navigate or enjoy your regular activities?

Finally, let’s talk through colour. Multi-coloured lights can be fun, but they can also be jarring on the eyes. Designers recommend that you stick to warm, white light.

Follow these tips and you’ll be set up for success when it comes to illuminating the exterior of your home. Questions? Comments? Let us know. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.

Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 1

Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 1While the Victorian Foundation Repairs team was created with the passion and purpose to reinforce your home from the ground up, the rest of your property is just as important to us. We love playing a role in the process of turning your house into a home that you can share with family and friends, making lasting memories. This means that we’re passionate about everything from painting the exterior of your home, to seasonal landscaping to the nuances of different types of lighting.

Lighting is what we’re discussing today, specifically the exterior lighting of your verandah. If you don’t have one or aren’t familiar, a verandah is a roofed platform that lines part or all of the exterior of your home. In order for it to be considered a verandah it should be level with your ground floor. Verandahs are great in all seasons, but especially during the summer and warmer months when they’re the ideal place to relax. They’re also a great platform (literally) to add seasonal décor. During the holiday months you can set up wreaths, trees and other decorations. During warmer months, they’re a great place for potted plants.

But there’s a flip side to the aesthetic beauty of verandahs and that’s their maintenance. Yes, you need to keep them neat and tidy, but you also want to keep them well-lit. When they’re properly illuminated you can feel safe knowing that your home is safe from predators and that there’s less fear of you tripping up your own stairs on the way home.

First up – the basics. Task lighting is commonly found on most verandahs for both safety and security. You can find task lighting options that have sensor activated nights, which will light up as soon as a person or thing approaches your house. Other types of task lights include spotlights angled in a certain direction as well as table lamps which are paramount if you’re an evening reader.

The other type of lighting that we’re discussing today is ambient verandah lighting. As you may assume from the name, ambient lighting is different than task lighting because it’s providing an atmosphere, but not necessarily solving a need. Different types of ambient lighting include string lights and wall sconces – lights that are mounted to the exterior of your home. You can find sconces in all shapes and sizes, there’s one to meet the need of every architectural style. These range all the way from Colonial to ultra-modern. Even though we included table lamps in task lighting, they could also be seen as ambient lighting, especially if they’re set to lower levels.

Lots more to come in the world of lighting the exterior of your home. It’s important to note that there’s not one solution that will suit every home. It’s also important to note that you can mix and match – you’re not stuck with just one solution.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.

How to Handle Fungi Caused By Water Damage

How to Eliminate Fungi Caused By Water DamageAs passionate as we are about the work, sometimes the projects and tasks that we cover on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog simply aren’t as glamorous as we would like. Because we’re so close to the work and we chose to be in this industry, we can’t help but get excited about it. And we can’t help but want to share it with our valued community of customers. We try not to think about our customers as just that, but more as friends that we’ll have for life. Part of this relationship is transparent and helpful information sharing, and that’s where this blog comes into play. We’ve been contributing to it for a while and we consider it a hub of information for not just restumping knowledge, but home renovations and beyond. In our last post, we discussed water damage and how it can affect your crawl space. Today, we take a deeper look at some of the causes and results of the damage…. Even outside of your crawl space.

Fungi. Not a word that you like to use any more often than you have to. And unfortunately, it’s one of the main suspects and culprits of the effects of water damage. It’s an increasingly growing problem, worldwide and it effects both the structural integrity of the building the health of its inhabitants. It used to be that scientists would simply sample the air in mouldy buildings to determine the extent of the problem, but that did not nearly display the extent of the issue.

The most common fungal species have some fancy names – penicillium chrysogenum and Aspergillus versicolor. They were followed by 10-12 variations and relatives of these fungi, causing equal levels of ruckus in your lives.

Water damage is most commonly due to either human error, (like that one time you left the faucet running…whoops!) or due to natural disaster. An example of a natural disaster would be flooding. Even simple activities like cooking or showering can allow water to condense without your awareness. All it takes is this moisture in the air and then either extreme heat or extreme cold, for it to react to the building’s materials and the air inside.

We’re concerned about both of the results of fungi – the structural integrity of your home and the health of its inhabitants. Luckily, there are simple and easy ways to keep a handle on things. Look into dehumidifiers, which regulate the moisture levels in each room. These are especially helpful if you already live in a muggy region or area because you’re setting yourself up for success, no matter what Mother Nature has in store for you. Fans are another quick and easy win. You can find them in all sorts of shapes and sizes, no matter what kind of space or design constraints you have in your home. You don’t even need to leave them running all the time, as long as you’re active about using them once a day.

Questions? Comments? Give us a shout. We’d love to hear from you!

Water Damage in Your Crawl Space

You see a blog post title like that and probably grimace a little bit. Not a good thing, that’s for sure. But if you’re visiting the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog for the first time, for the second time, or if you’re a daily reader, you’ve already made a step in the right direction. Welcome! We’re so happy to have you here. If you’re a newer visitor, you should know that we’re the premier restumping company in Melbourne and the surrounding areas and that we’re dedicated to reinforcing the foundation of your home. That means that while this blog definitely serves as a robust one-stop-shop for all things home renovations, our focus is generally on supporting you – literally – from the ground up. So, today, we’re diving into water damage in your crawl space. (Not literally, don’t do that).

So many of us never think about water damage or our crawl spaces, because unless they’re very serious, they’re out of sight. Out of sight means out of mind and that’s a mindset that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team would like to change. Your crawl space is the area immediately underneath your home, where we do most of our work to reinforce your foundation. But, it’s also home to many other systems that are necessary for your safety and comfort. These include things like water heaters and electrical systems. Know what happens when wires and water connect? Not a good situation.

The causes of water damage don’t require rocket science. They’re everything from leaks and flooding to standing ground water, which are all thanks to mother nature and common sense. While some situations are unavoidable, like flooding in the area, others are easy to keep in check if you regularly check on your crawl space and keep an eye on your pipes.

So, what does water damage lead to? One of the most common situations is dry rot. If you’re not familiar, it’s a fungus. It grows in any wood that’s exposed and already has high moisture content (water damage). Dry rot sounds less dangerous than it is – if you don’t keep an eye on it, the wood will degrade and cause really necessary structure elements like the beams, joists and sub flooring to totally deteriorate.

Luckily for you, Victorian Foundation Repairs is an expert at all of the above elements. Even more luckily for you, you visited the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog and are now properly educated about the basics of water damage in your crawl space. But this is only the beginning. Tune in for our next post when we cover fungi and the other elements that cause and are a result of water damage in your crawl space.

Questions? Comments? Let us know! The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you by phone, email or in person. Other topics you’d like to see on this blog? Please reach out with any ideas. We’re excited to partner with you and help turn your house into a home.

Buying a Home in Need of Renovations?

Buying a Home in Need of Renovations?Welcome back to the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog! We’re thrilled to have you here and to share our passion for reinforcing the foundation of your home. We want to truly support you from the ground up and firmly believe that that begins with knowledge and know-how about all things home building and home renovations. In order to make this happen, we invite you to take advantage of our blog. This is your go-to hub for information about us, our services and the industry at large. If you tuned in for our last post, you know that we’re currently discussing two hot topics—buying a home and renovating a home. Sometimes they go hand-in-hand but sometimes it’s a scenario that you probably want to avoid. Let’s dive back in to discussing renovations that you may want to avoid when purchasing a new home.

In our last post, we covered off on the three “R’s” – rewiring, restumping and roof repairs. (Guess that’s technically four). Today’s first item of business is your heating and HVAC systems. These again are maintenance repairs that don’t have the glitz and glamour but are entirely necessary for your home to be safe and comfortable. The best way to mitigate these costs is to be through in your home inspections. Spot any issues early and talk to the current home owner about it. They will probably be comfortable covering these costs in order to close the deal, which takes something else off of your plate.

Next up is pipes. You can’t see them most of the time, but they are the driving force behind the water that you drink, shower with, cook with… the applications are many. When they’re broken, not only can you not access water, but there may be issues in between the walls without your knowledge. Mould may build up and ruin walls, floors and ceilings. Common causes of burst pipes include frozen pipes and pipes that are just outdated. This is not a renovation that you want to take on if you don’t have to and if you do, make sure that you’ve budgeted accordingly. While worth every penny, this can be an expensive one.

We can’t forget about the great outdoors. Sometimes buying a new home means a blank canvas for your landscaping. But sometimes, there are existing components of the backyard that you know need to go in order to make your vision work. While this may not be cost prohibitive, it can be a time investment if you need to demolish a deck or rip out entire plant beds. Don’t let this be a deterrent if you’re excited for an outside do-it-yourself project.

Hopefully that helps give you a framework of renovations to avoid if you’re purchasing a new home. Questions? Comments? Let the Victorian Foundation Repairs team know. We’d love to hear from you and help turn your house into a home with the help of a reinforced foundation.