Three Tips for Eco-Friendly Renovations

Victorian Foundation Repairs is dedicated to ensuring that our ethos, the materials that we use, and the way that we work, are as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible. We’re extremely grateful for our role within the industry. And we love to partner with our competitors to ensure that we’re all looped in on the latest and greatest ways to minimize our carbon footprint.

More than ever, we’re hearing the same thing from our valued customers. You guys want to embark on exciting builds and renovations, but you want to make sure that you’re activating on them in the right way. This makes us beam with pride. We want to ensure that you have the tools, resources and know-how to feel totally comfortable as you navigate processes like that of redecorating. Today, the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog would like to share some tips and tricks to ensure that your next home renovation is eco-friendly:

Three Tips for Eco-Friendly Renovations

Add insulation

Did you know that you lose more heating during the colder months and more cool air during the warmer months through your roof more than any other area of your house? Luckily, with just a small addition, you can be saving all the air you want, as well as some of the dollars in your pocket. Think of insulation as a rug for your entire home. Cushion it from the inside so that the excess air has nowhere to go. Bonus points if you look into draft-proofing. When done correctly, this can help you save an additional 25%!

Take a second look at your windows

Yes, their main role is to ensure you can see the beautiful views outside of your windows. But, these can also be a tricky way of losing out of the energy that you and your family need. Take some time to look at the energy-efficient window models on the market. There may be one that fits with your budget. These have ongoing dividends, as you watch your energy bills shrink and shrink. Even if you don’t think you can spring for whole new windows, you can look into window treatments, which still help boost efficiency.

Explore new eco-friendly appliances

We know that these also come at a pretty penny. But, they’re a great investment in your future as a family in your home. We’re talking washers, dryers, dishwashers, almost any appliance that you can think of. Pretty much every line out there in the market right now is coming out with new and innovative ways for you to save energy when using your appliances. It’s worth the time to do a little research, and maybe plan for a future purchase or two.

Each of these are small ways that you can begin to make your home as eco-friendly as possible. But there are dozens more out there! Do you have favorite ways that you’ve helped minimize your carbon footprint? The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear what they are! Give us a shout.

Do’s and Don’ts for Backyard Renovations

Do’s and Don’ts for Backyard RenovationsYou may be surprised to hear that many families around the country specifically plan backyard renovations for the colder months. There are many benefits to consider. Prices for labor may be cheaper, the soil may be a bit more pliable in different areas, or maybe you just finally have time to oversee the process. Either way, congratulations. Renovating your backyard is an exciting process. Victorian Foundation Repairs wants to support you through processes like this one, and provide whatever tips, tricks and tools we can, to ensure that the renovation goes smoothly.

With that in mind, here are some do’s and don’ts that we recommend keeping top of mind, if the time has come for you to do a backyard renovation:

Do’s for Backyard Renovations

Keep Landscaping in mind- Backyard renovations aren’t all about building something new. They’re a great opportunity to look into a landscaping design scheme that’s in-line with the look and feel you’re going for. Too often, people forget about incorporating plant life. When they try and add it in later, it feels forced or out of place.

Remain detail-oriented- Every piece of the puzzle counts, when you’re embarking on a backyard renovation. Make sure that you’re creating a detailed-vision and confirming that everything syncs up appropriately.

Budget accordingly, and then add a buffer- This is a big one that many folks forget about. Too often they make one-of decisions, simply because they haven’t planned out the dollars in advance. Those decisions bite them later, because they’re probably not in line with the bigger picture. So plan ahead. Budget accordingly, and then add a little extra to plan for unforeseen costs.

Leverage existing wins- Maybe you live adjacent to a beautiful lake, or maybe your area is home to some of the most beautiful trees in the area. We recommend that you always incorporate pieces like this into your vision, instead of trying to cover them.

Consider adding lighting- Lighting is a great addition year-round, to any backyard. It doesn’t matter if you have a pool, specific greenery that you’d like to see highlighted, or if you just feel safer with lighting in place. The value makes it worth it.

Don’ts for Backyard Renovations

Forget to look at the big picture- This is important for the detail-oriented among us, as well as those that tend to stress. A backyard renovation is above anything else, a blessing and something to look forwards to. When the details get you down, just remember that the end result will be worth it.

Ignore the long-term vision- Similarly to the above, this don’t focuses on ignoring piece-meal plans. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to work a backyard renovation bit by bit over long amounts of time. Far better for the value of the home and the peace of mind of the owners, if you plan ahead.

Fail to research appropriate approvals- lucky for you, when you work with companies like Victorian Foundation Repairs, you can take this off of your plate. If this is not the case, make sure that you’re researching all of the right boxes to check.

Leverage Your Verandah During Colder Seasons

Whether we like it or not, cold weather is upon us. It’s no use pushing it away, instead- let’s find new and innovative ways to still take advantage of the beautiful spaces that we’ve built outside our homes. Just because the temperature gauge is reading something different, doesn’t mean it’s entirely time to close out the outdoors. After all, Vitamin D is a real need- year-round. Today, the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog will be focusing on the best ways to use a specific outdoor element- your verandah.

You spent valuable time, money and energy on your verandah. It’s an important investment, and you should be able to see returns year-round. Are you already longingly recalling the summer barbecues and hangout sessions of warmer days? Never fear, you can make just as many awesome memories now that Winter is upon us. Here are some tips and tricks, that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team would recommend keeping in mind:

Turn up the temperatures

Let’s be honest, this is the easiest fix. You’re most likely not taking advantage of your verandah, because it’s too dang chilly outside. Luckily, there are so many awesome options out on the market, for you to explore. The key, when researching, is to ensure whatever model you land on, it can be used safely under solid roofs and near the main house structure. Two that we’ve seen great luck with are patio heaters and outdoor fireplaces. Both lend different benefits to the look and feel of your choice. If you go the patio heater route, you’ll still need to determine if you want to explore natural gas options or those powered by electricity. Both of these will have specific stipulations around where the heater can live.

Provide some shelter

Leverage Your Verandah During Colder SeasonsWe know, we know, isn’t the verandah already more sheltered than elsewhere in the backyard? While this is true, the act of winterizing your verandah, takes this to the next level. We recommend that you explore blinds specifically designed for the outdoors. These can be made from a variety of materials, including durable fabrics, lighter PVC, even something as fine as mesh. You don’t really need to line the entirety of the verandah, instead- you can focus on the sides or front that are most susceptible to the cold and the wind outside. With these blinds in place, rain, snow, sleet and other types of weather, will be a non-issue.

Add some color to your verandah

Sometimes all you need is a little facelift. This is especially easily-achievable when it comes to your outdoor verandah. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team recommends nothing too major, but instead, encourages you explore getting creative. Think about brightly colored cushions, or adding new plant life to the verandah environment. With just some small changes, it can feel like a whole new oasis for you and your loved ones to explore.

Victorian Foundation Repairs is dedicated towards creating homes where you can create generations of wonderful memories. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Give the team a shout. We’d love to hear from you!

Hydronic Heating System – Should You Explore?

Hydronic Heating System - Should You Explore?No doubt about it, the cold is coming in hard and fast. We had a good summer season, and hope that you did as well. While there are many fun and festive things to look forwards to, there are also many practical updates that we need to make to our homes for the reduced temperatures ahead. Unfortunately, year after year, heating remains one of the last things to cross off of the list. This year, that stops. This year, Victorian Foundation Repairs is going to be your partner in crime and ensure that you are properly set up for the chilly days ahead. Many of you may whine, “there are so many options out there! How do I know which one to choose?” We’ll cover the benefits of a variety of options over the coming weeks, but today- we’re going to focus on Hydronic heating system.

If you travel to Europe, hydronic heating system is quite the norm. It’s popular among its users and has a reputation as being both efficient and pleasant. It’s also consistent, a set-up that you do not need to frequently adjust to your liking. So how does it work? Hydronic heating system uses thermostat technology. The thermostat technology keeps any chill out of the air by recirculating hot water, which is heated by solid fuel or natural gas.

Pros and Cons of a Hydronic Heating System

Let’s talk about the pros. For those impacted by allergies, this is a slam dunk. Hydronic heating system means no forced air circulation. No forced air circulation means no dust and allergens throughout the air. No dust and allergens throughout the air means no heat, and much less cleaning. (A benefit that we think we can all agree on).

Another pro of hydronic heating system is that it’s reliable. The only parts that you need to ensure are working are the pump and the boiler. There will never be 0% maintenance, but this is about as low as it gets. We recommend that you still explore warranty options. Luckily, the parts needed for a hydronic system generally tend to have extremely long warranty periods, like 25 years for a unit from Bosch.

Restumping likes to paint full and transparent pictures for our clients, and that means sharing a few potential cons. Hydronic heating systems are on the higher end of the pricing meter. That being said, they’re becoming more and more popular in Australia, so we should start to see a reduction in price over time. Another element to keep in mind, is that while this system will be great for the colder months, it won’t pump cold air during the summer, to keep your home or business nice and cool.

As with any big decision in life, we recommend that you weigh the pro’s and the con’s. You know that this is an area that we’re very passionate about, so if you have any questions or topics that you’d like to talk through, please give us a shout. We would love to help you make the decision that’s right for you.

Six Little Changes That Can Add Value to Your Home

When prospective buyers come through your home quite often it’s the little details that will either impress them or put them off making an offer. Cosmetic things like unkempt yard space, peeling exterior paint, cracked tiles and old worn carpeting all will detract from a home’s perceived worth and suggests to buyers the property hasn’t been well maintained. So often small improvements you can do yourself can be just as effective at adding value to a home as a major renovation, where you’re more at risk of overcapitalising. Here are six quick ways to maximise the visual appeal and add value to your property by enhancing features that will make buyers fall in love with your home.

Front yard fixes

As the best billboard for your home, the way you present your front yard is key to appealing to and drawing in buyers. Consider repainting or rendering the exterior of your home for that freshly updated look. Cement render is a particularly effective way to make an older brick or weatherboard home look like new again.

Fix up or build a new front fence with a locking or remote controlled gate, as security and privacy are key concerns for buyers. If budget allows, bring in a landscaper to work their magic. Replace any unhealthy turf or plants, add lush greenery, lay new pavers and construct new flowerbeds. A well-presented front garden shows that the current owners take pride in the property and that speaks volumes to buyers.

4 Mandall Avenue, Ivanhoe, VIC - Six Little Changes That Can Add Value to Your Home
4 Mandall Avenue, Ivanhoe, VIC

Focus on floors

A huge feature of any home that is instantly noticeable is the flooring used throughout it. Nothing is more off putting to buyers than old, dusty, stained and worn carpeting. If your carpet is in good nick you can probably get away with a steam clean to freshen it up. If not, consider replacing it with a floating timber floor or timber look laminate to create a clean and sturdy look that buyers absolutely love.

If your timber floorboards have a few scrapes and scuffs make sure they look their best by having them sanded back and polished. If you have floor tiles in living and wet areas a relatively inexpensive way to renew them is to have them steam cleaned or regrouted.

Outdoor entertaining addition

There’s no denying Aussies love hosting a BBQ at home and embrace outdoor living with gusto. For this reason, a great value adding upgrade to any home is an outdoor space that can be used year-round. Consider adding a backyard gazebo or patio, or a retractable awning and deck onto the back of your home.

If you already have an outdoor area contemplate making a few changes to make it more functional and attractive to buyers. Add a bench seat with hidden storage, a Louvretec shutter roof or roller blinds for protection from the elements, an outdoor heater, an outdoor TV or sound system or maybe even a hammock. For those with a big budget or luxury home, go the whole nine yards and add an outdoor kitchen complete with fridge, bench space, sink, wood fired pizza oven and BBQ for the ultimate in functional alfresco entertaining buyers will just have to have.

4 Richmond Crescent, Hunters Hill, NSW - Six Little Changes That Can Add Value to Your Home
4 Richmond Crescent, Hunters Hill, NSW

Update fixtures and fittings

For an instant cost-effective update and that newly renovated feel for less replace any discoloured plastic or old fashioned fixtures and fittings throughout your home with modern ones. Think stainless steel door and cabinet handles, taps and towel rails. Contact an electrician to update your light switch and power point covers. Have any old gaudy hanging light fittings replaced with contemporary and sleek downlights or modern pendant lights.

Keep it cool

With Australia’s extreme climate, cooling is an essential on most buyers shopping lists. Whether this means adding a ducted refrigerated air conditioning system to the entire house or just a split system to the main living area and master bedroom, buyers will be happier with some rather than no cooling and factor this into what they are willing to offer for the home.

Revive dead space

Buyers love to see that every inch of space serves a purpose within the home so they know they’re getting value for money. If you have an awkward recessed corner, a disused landing at the top of the stairs or extra space under the stairs consider how you can better resolve the area. Perhaps you could add extra storage, a euro laundry, a green wall, tuck away a cosy built-in bench seat or create a study nook.

49 Glenwood Street, Chelmer, QLD - Six Little Changes That Can Add Value to Your Home
49 Glenwood Street, Chelmer, QLD

We hope these six ideas have helped to guide you towards which cosmetic fixes to take on to boost the value of your home.

Guest Author bio: Larissa Gardner is a blogger, social media strategist and marketing coordinator at arguably Australia’s best looking, banner-ad free real estate website With a superb devotion to product innovation, user-centred design and innovative marketing platforms for real estate agents, helps millions of Australians find their next home easier and faster than ever before.

How to Build the Best Backyard Deck Around

How to Build the Best Backyard Deck AroundThere are so many questions and details to think about when you’re designing your dream home. Even if you’re purchasing a home, fully-built, there are probably shifts and adjustments that you plan on making. Sometimes these are just about the last thing that you want to think about. You’ve come home, after a long day at your regular job, and now you have to make a dozen additional decisions about carpeting, floor tile or backyard deck? Not ideal.

Lucky for you, Victorian Foundation Repairs loves taking questions and decision-making off your to-do list. In fact, we sort of nerd out over the finite details of the structure of your home. Because if we don’t, then your homes safety may not be at the level that we’d like it to be.

This is also true about your backyard and any decks that you’re planning on adding. They can add so much extrinsic and intrinsic value- a huge win if you plan on hosting frequently during the warmer seasons. But, you moan, “why can’t decks just build themselves, so that I don’t have to worry about this!” Like we said, don’t worry.

Four Tips that Can Elevate Your Backyard Deck

The team here at Victorian Foundation Repairs is well-versed in the design and construction of decks. Let’s take a gander at some of the elements that we think will truly elevate your backyard deck!

  • Add a roof- Wait… right off the bat, you want to add a design feature that will immediately detract from actually having a deck? Hear us out. There are an abundance of roof alternatives on the market, which still make you feel like you’re hanging outside, but also increase privacy and minimize sun-exposure.
  • Think about plant life- There are so many benefits to incorporating flora into the design of your deck. It will immediately feel like a more tranquil area, and can actually create sustainability opportunities for you as a homeowner. Plant life like trellis’ and hanging baskets can also serve as an alternative to fencing, so that you can check that off of your budget.
  • Incorporate fabric- Fabric can play several different roles in the design of your deck. It can serve as a canopy, or as an area separator. It can also serve as solely an aesthetic improvement, especially if you find a cool pattern or design. Just make sure that the fabrics that you choose, don’t retain water for long periods of time. The last thing you want to do is add another chore to your daily list.
  • Be smart about furniture- You will definitely want to include furniture in the layout of your deck, but don’t go overboard. There’s nothing worse than trying to fit too much into an area designed for relaxation… it will just stress you out as you try to move everything around. Instead, be strategic. Think carefully about the fewest number of chairs or tables that you could get away with.

Hopefully these ideas kick start your creativity. Be sure to reach out to our team with any questions that you may have!

How Much Will Your Foundation Cost?

How Much Will Your Foundation Cost?Isn’t it funny how attributing costs to anything, somehow makes it slightly less fun? Once you put a dollar amount to it, it becomes much more real, doesn’t it? Sometimes, this makes sense. That all-inclusive tropical vacation? Sure, it sounds wonderful and totally worth it, when you’re just day-dreaming with pictures. But once you determine that it’s going to cost far more than you’d anticipated (or maybe exactly what you’d anticipated), well then- some of the glitz and glamor starts to disappear. The same thing goes for expenses related to your home. It’s real, it’s right in front of you, and it’s supposed to last the rest of your life. You depend on your home to take care of you—to provide a roof over your head at night. So we frequently push these types of costs, like foundation cost, out of our heads.

This is in part, because we realize what we’re giving up for the things that we want. But while some of these things aren’t necessary, like the landscaping out front, or the vast pool out back (but how cool would it be, right?) other expenses are. Other expenses, like the foundation underneath your home or your business.

Luckily for you, you have the Victorian Foundation Repairs team on hand. Your Victorian Foundation Repairs team can and WILL help you determine foundation cost upfront—what you need to take care of now, and what you can take care of, at a later point in time.

Underpinning can cost anywhere from a few thousand dollars to more than $100k. It just depends on the severity of the problem. This is another reason why it’s so important for you to constantly and consistently monitor certain facets of your home, like cracks in the walls or the ceiling. In our minds, you can never reach out too early. If you see anything around your home that bothers you, you’re always better off safe than sorry, when reaching out to your Victorian Foundation Repairs team.

To that point, many of our customers want to know as many costs as possible upfront. There are two best ways to do this, and the first is to engage with a structural engineer. The structural engineer will come to your home and complete an independent report, not affiliated with Victorian Foundation Repairs or any other company in the area. The structural engineer can cost about $800, but you’ll rest soundly with a more solid picture of what’s to come, as far as costs and necessary services.

Your other option is to deal directly with underpinning experts, like ourselves. Our services do include those of a structural engineer. The only difference is that their opinion and ours would be the same, unlike the aforementioned option. We don’t want our valued customers to think this is a bad thing, by any means. We just want to paint the most transparent view possible.

Bottom line, you’ve got the Victorian Foundation Repairs team on your side. Give us a shout, we’d love to assist and help you determine your foundation cost.

Three Things to Consider When Building a Pool

Three Things to Consider When Building a PoolLet’s face it, having a pool is pretty awesome. We’re willing to bet that some of our Victorian Foundation Repairs blog readers are the ones that the rest of us can be quite green with envy over. Sure, they require some maintenance. And yes, a majority of the year they probably go unused, but when they do- you’re looking at an endless season of relaxation, of neighbor envy and of killer pool parties- day or night. So, why not consider building a pool?

Victorian Foundation Repairs encourages our readers with the time and with the means to think about pool options for their property. There are many questions and topics that you’ll want to look into, if this is a route that you want to go. Luckily, Victorian Foundation Repairs and our team of specialists is also a great place to start to answer many of these aforementioned questions. We’ll work with our valued customers to evaluate the terrain. Are there any issues with the surrounding grounds? Are there specific pool-constructing materials that you should stay away from, based on the current terrain? Can your pool only be a certain depth, due to council building codes? These are all questions that you probably don’t want to put too much brain power around. And that’s why we’re here!

So let’s just go ahead and say that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team will take care of all of the boring—but essential—building components. That brings us to today’s post topic. Today’s post topic? Building a pool with STYLE. So, what are some great ways to add a little pizzazz to your pool?

The first idea is actually a bit of a marriage between fun and function. We’re dipping our toes into the shallow end of the fun pool, so to speak. (Yes, yes, that was indeed a pool pun). But when building a pool, determining the shape and size of it, is an important decision for both the builder and the party-goer. Planning to do laps? Then you’ll perhaps want a rectangular pool. Looking for a more unique shape? Always an option.

Next, you’ll want to think about extra features. They do each come with a price tag, but sometimes that price tag is worth it. Items that fall into this category include diving boards, slides, and free-floating islands. A last popular option? An adjacent hot tub. The thing to remember with hot tub costs is that they also begin to infringe slightly on your utility bills.

And third, you’ll want to think about landscaping. The costs of landscaping have a bit of tradeoff, as they add extra privacy to your home. You can keep it simple, or get fancy with whatever plant life you’d like. This is also an opportunity to explore different materials for an adjacent deck, to host your loved ones for barbecues day or night.

While each of these do come with price tags, remember two things- one- a lot of these elements add value to the home! And two- making memories with your loved ones is often… yes, you guessed it- priceless.

How to Create a Top-Notch Home Renovation Budget

How to Create a Top-Notch Home Renovation BudgetBudget. The six-letter word that seems to fit into the four-letter word category, right? The word that you whisper with an annoyed face and then shove into the back of your mind and to the bottom of your to-do list. Unfortunately, though that annoyed face is warranted in many cases, that doesn’t make budgeting any less necessary. Our last post on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog focused on one of the most important line items that belong in a home renovation budget, no matter if you’re planning to renovate your existing home, or just buy a whole new one. We’re talking about home inspections. Remember, home inspections are one of those costs that may seem like a lot of money upfront, but can save you a ton of money later on down the line.

Posts like this last one inspired us. It got the team here at Victorian Foundation Repairs thinking, “what is the sweet spot, the right number to shoot for when you’re first building your home renovation budget?” We’ve already confirmed that NOT designing a budget is off the table. So instead, let’s cover off the categories and specific line items that make sense. Bonus points if you can get a little bit excited about them! This is the first in a series of posts, so sit back and enjoy the ride!

There are two things that you’ll need to identify and memorize, right off the bat. These are- 1) the total amount of money that you have to spend, and 2) the size of the property. These two variables play into every equation necessary to building your home renovation budget.

Before you can evenly split your total budget, by the square footage of your property, you’ll need to think through variables like unavoidable costs and rainy day funds. These are areas of the home renovation budget, which are untouchable, no matter what. You’ll be very grateful that you have every penny, when unexpected repairs or maintenance show up on your calendar (or even worse- don’t!) Make sure that you keep this money out of your reach- even if that means digging out that old piggybank, from your childhood days.

You may be wondering exactly how much money to set aside in either of these. First up, let’s cover your rainy day fund. Luckily, we live in the Information Age. There are awesome resources all over the internet, some even equipped with custom calendars, which can help you determine the right amount for you.

Next- when it comes to unavoidable costs, we recommend that you tap into whichever company or individual that helped you procure your home. If you worked with a realtor or a broker, they’ll be a great resource to make recommendations. If you worked with a rental agency, they should be able to not only assist with costs related to the property, but any that are related to the surrounding neighborhood.

Bottom line, if you stick with Victorian Foundation Repairs- the ride ahead as we create a top-notch home renovation budget for you, will be smooth sailing. Stay tuned for more information ahead.

Home Inspection Tips

home inspection tipsDo you remember buying your first home? We bet that there was a certain glamor to the process. We bet there was practically a red carpet at your front door, as you crossed the threshold and used your keys for the first time. Unfortunately, since that date, we can also bet that many less glamorous things have happened as well. The first time that your toilet clogged? The first fall when your Saturdays were devoted to cleaning up those piles of leaves, which just always seemed to multiply by the next day, anyways! Though there are these less glamorous elements to home ownership, they’re just as important. And today, we’re discussing one which is very central to the services that we offer. That, our friends, is the home inspection.

There are several different sorts of home inspections. Some are necessary before you even buy your home. Others are managed on a regular cadence from day zero, through the day that you sell your home. Building inspections can uncover many signs of foundational damage, which- as you can imagine, are red flags to the team here at Victorian Foundation Repairs. Home inspection uncovers many defects in both the interior and exterior of a property. These include faulty roofs, structural cracks and long term dampness. A subset of these inspections can also uncover more specifics like termite damage. At the end of the day, the inspector will prepare a Property Inspection Report which will need to pass criteria set by the Australian Standard.

Don’t let anyone ever tell you otherwise, these types of inspections are worth every penny. Making a small investment by covering the costs of home inspection now, can mean that you are saving hundreds, if not thousands of dollars, later on down the line. In general, a building inspection will cost at least a couple hundred dollars. You can look into combining inspections like building and pet, which can save money-rather than holding separate inspections with different vendors. A single, general inspection can take 2-3 days. When bundled, inspections can take up to a week in some instances.

A couple other specifics to keep in mind include when to arrange for your inspections, what they don’t cover and who is qualified to execute these inspections. First up- timing. Building inspections carry the most value prior to buying a property, during what’s called “the cooling off period.” It’s necessary to complete inspections before contracts are exchanged, otherwise you don’t have any leverage to barter down the price of the property. If you’ve already exchanged contracts, you’ll want to look into your “cooling off rights.”

Inspections cover the costs of inspecting, and that’s it. They don’t cover the costs of the repairs which they recommend that you complete. Part of their value, is that they’re an extraneous, third-party vendor, meaning that they don’t have any skin in the game and their opinions are objective.

Finally, who is qualified to complete these inspections? Just as these inspections become like a type of insurance for homeowners, so too must inspectors carry some type of insurance. Make sure that the individual or company that you’re working with, is fully insured- just in case something goes wrong.

You’ve now completed the 101 course for Home Inspections. Questions? Feel free to reach out to the Victorian Foundation Repairs team. We’d love to help.