Foundation Damage: The Missoula Floods

Foundation Damage- the Missoula FloodsLet’s face the facts… we wouldn’t be in the business that we are without a lot of external factors, none more so than Mother Nature. She’s a fickle lady, we’re all aware of that, but it continues to amaze us – across the industry – the impact that the weather, seasonal changes, climate change, etc., can truly have on our lives. For lack of a better term, we’d probably say that it ‘wreaks havoc’. Sigh. There’s nothing in the grand scheme of things that we can do about that, but it’s a valuable reminder that we need to stay ready to meet any of the challenges that our Victorian Foundation Repairs prospective and current customers send our way. Sure, there were probably days when we were stumped by the challenges that you’d throw at us. Those days are no more. How did we get to such a confident place? We learned. And we continue to learn. And aside from just sharing tips about building your dream home or about cultivating the most innovative garden, we’ve found great fun in tracing steps back to determine exactly why reinforcing your foundation is so important. We’ll shed floodlights on different historic events over the coming months, hopefully providing eye-opening intel into exactly why you want to reinforce your foundation.

Today’s event is the Missoula Floods, which took place in the American state of Montana. They’ve also been referred to as the Spokane Floods (Montana borders with another state called Washington, which is where Spokane is found) or the Bretz’s Floods. They did a huge number – cataclysmic glacial outburst floods that took no prisoners as they covered the vast majority of the eastern part of Washington and down near the beautiful Columbia River Gorge. You’re probably scratching your heads thinking, ‘when did this take place? I would have heard about this!’ Well, it was a little bit before our time – back to the Ice Age, in fact.

These floods became important back in the 1920, when scientists dug into the research and wanted to know why this had happened. What they determined is that these floods were caused by periodic sudden ruptures, right there on the ice dam of the Clark Fork River. The Clark Fork River created the Glacial Lake Missoula, bringing everything back together.

You don’t necessarily have to worry about floods in the area where you reside, but it is good to know how they work. Excess moisture can be one of the greatest causes of foundation damage, and often not one that you can avoid. But what signs have we seen? Well, according to sources, after the rupture of each ice dam, the water would head straight down the Clark Fork River, causing tonnes of flooding in both eastern Washington and even in neighbouring Oregon. Rupture complete, ice would reform, and the whole routine would begin again.

We find great intrigue and interest in the history that’s led us to the business that we’re so passionate about. We hope that you do as well!

Does it Make Sense to Fix the Foundation of an Old Home?

Does it Make Sense to Fix the Foundation of an Old HomeThe Victorian Foundation Repairs team loves homes. We have such respect for them. Working on the foundation at each property that we’re fortunate to work with, we only scratch the surface of the number of challenges and opportunities that architects run into. Architecture truly is a beautiful thing and we’re grateful that we get to play a role in supporting its shape and structure. That brings us to today’s topic – old homes. Even the term seems to have negative connotations, doesn’t it? Well, we certainly don’t think that’s the case. We think that older homes laid the groundwork (pun intended) for every innovation that’s come since.

The most beautiful things need to be well-taken care of. The best care costs money. And money isn’t anything that any of us want to shake our heads at. That’s just one of the many ways that the mindset at Victorian Foundation Repairs is different than that of other companies in the restumping, reblocking and underpinning industries. We keep money in your wallet so that you can be excited and rewarded about your current project.

Today’s project is fixing your foundation. A reminder for our new readers – fixing your foundation is necessary for a number of reasons, not least of which is that you want your home to be safe and comfortable. The signs will always be there. You’ll see small cracks in your walls, ceiling or floors, you’ll see excess moisture where it shouldn’t be, you may even notice that the floors start to tilt a little bit. All of these are key reasons to give us or an expert in your area a call.

But the real question is whether it’s worth making the investment in the project? And that brings us back to the point of today’s post. The short answer is that there’s no correct answer, but there are a couple of thoughts that you should ponder:

  • Are you planning on living on the property for a long period of time? If so, having a tricky foundation will impact your quality of living, so we recommend making the investment.
  • Surprisingly in the same vein, if you’re planning on selling your home in the near future, it’s absolutely imperative to make sure that the foundation is shipshape. Look at it as a necessary investment – otherwise, you’ll just have to pay to have the foundation leveled once the deal is signed and then you don’t necessarily have ownership over choosing a contractor.
  • Are the signs at a noticeable caliber? We like to look at any cracks that are more than 1/8 inch. It can be a challenge to not jump to conclusions and have an eagle eye looking at every nook and cranny of your home. But not every blemish should be considered something to worry about. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team always likes to say, “better safe than sorry,” but we’re always happy when the results are safe.

Setting up Lights Outside a House (Part 2)

Setting up Lights Outside a House 2You know that if we’re doing more than one post on a topic, it’s something that we care about. Unfortunately, that’s an increasingly broad range of topics. As soon as the Victorian Foundation Repairs team learned that our work plays such an important role in the puzzle of your home, we scampered in all sorts of different directions, learning as much as we possibly could.

We treat learning in a variety of different ways, but the first word that comes to mind is ‘comprehensive’. That’s why, many a time, we need to give topics at least a couple of posts on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog, so that you know that we’re so much more than underpinning, restumping and reblocking services. Recently, we talked about the fun and excitement of adding lights to the exterior of your home. Quick debrief – these are not just relevant during the holiday season (although we’re guessing that they’ll be even more fun and exciting this year), instead, they can be put up all year around. We covered off probably the most fun of the steps, the whole “brainstorming and planning” step. Now it’s on to the logistics:

Safety should always be a priority. Make sure that any extension cords you’re using are for outdoor use as well as indoor use – that could be a weather emergency before you realize it. All packaging should explain this. This is also why we recommended the gloves mentioned in the previous post.

Make sure that all of your purchases work. Hey, if those lights don’t turn on during a test inside or outside, they’re going straight back to the store and there are no issues there. Don’t try and pretend that it will be okay, lights that don’t work will just annoy you more over time. In the same vein, if you’ve bought multiple packages of lights, especially those that are supposed to look the same colour, give them a test by holding them side by side. Same thing goes for accessories like light clips. Some use things like clothespins or staples, but we recommend that this is an area in which you invest. Believe us, you’ll use them for other home renovation projects as well.

There are LED lights (which can hue one way) and incandescent light bulbs (which hue a totally different way). Have some fun as you organize which lights, you’d like to use on different parts of your home. Our biggest recommendation is that you keep like-typed lights together for a cohesive look. There are also different places on your home where styles of lights will look best – like icicle lights on your roof. But, insider knowledge… LED lights WILL save you money on your energy bills every month as they’re much better for the environment.

Once all of the work is complete, you’ll just want to ensure that it stays that way. That means choosing a timer or timing feature, so that you’re not hopping out of bed at hours far too early or late, wondering if your lights are still dazzling the street.

October Home News

October Home NewsThe changing of seasons always means a bunch of different things and they might be more confusing than ever. If there’s anything that we can (and will) continue to repeat and reiterate is that Victorian Foundation Repairs, our team, our practices and our model of engaging with the community will never change. Come whatever situation arises in the world, we are steadfast in our commitment to offer the best restumping, reblocking and underpinning services around. In addition, we’re always going to contribute to and evolve this blog, so that we can be your supporters in any home improvement projects you have going on. So, once a month, don’t think that this home news round-up is going anywhere. In fact, if you have ideas for content or questions about any of the articles below, don’t be afraid to ask! We’re here for you and can’t wait to start or continue conversations. Read on for our favourite finds on the internet this month related to your dream current or future home:

In our first article covers technology that our team may not necessarily need, but should be an important awareness for consumers and homeowners. A company called Buildots has rolled out a software focusing on image recognition on building sites. What’s it’s purpose? To determine what sorts of delays or errors are occurring in the building process. As the article states, “AI is starting to change various aspects of construction, from design to self-driving diggers. Some companies even provide a kind of overall AI site inspector that matches images taken on site against a digital plan of the building. Now Buildots is making that process easier than ever by using video footage from GoPro cameras mounted on the hard hats of workers.” Read the full article here.

Landscaping is and will always be an integral part of any dream home, so we also keep a close pulse on what’s going on here. The good news is – it’s a lot. But we know that 2020 has been tough for many sectors of the economy and landscaping/gardening has not been exempt from that. It’s important to look forward, to get lean as teams, to be creative in the services offered to customers and to be able to pivot when necessary. This study takes a look at landscaping in 2027. Yes, you read that right. It breaks down landscaping by segments like mowing, laying sod and others. Check out the page here.

You’ve heard about minimalism. A lot. But what about maximalism? We thought so. This is a burgeoning idea, but it’s gaining headway with a lot of home designers. As those that reinforce the foundation of your home, we’d be remiss if we didn’t caution against a tonne of things on your floor, walls, etc. if you have any concerns that you have foundation damage, but if not – this article is for you. Learn more here.

Like we said, we’re always looking for ideas and striving to be better. Reach out to us – we’re excited to hear from you!

Setting Up Lights Outside a House (Part 1)

Setting Up Lights Outside a House 1There’s something so magical about driving down the street and seeing a particular house well lit up. You can tell that someone put a lot of thought and effort into their property if they’re investing that much time and creativity. Because setting up lights outside a house is hard! And the Victorian Foundation Repairs team knows hard projects. Having been restumping, reblocking and underpinning homes as long as we have, we’ve pretty much seen it all. We wouldn’t call ourselves cynical, but we would say that there’s little that can phase or surprise us. Remember, that only benefits you. Especially because, as we get better and better at our craft, we learn more and more about homes at large. Full circle – let’s talk about a project that impacts your home at large!

SO; hanging lights outside on your home. It’s not just for the holidays, although we’ve seen some epic representations of festivity outside of different homes during the holiday season. We’ll touch on those in another month or so, giving you a chance to actually enjoy the current moment and season at hand. No, lights look great all year around and they can actually be a functional benefit too, especially if you’re coming or going when the sun isn’t out to guide you.

In order to properly prepare for this project, you’re going to need some tools and materials. Start with gloves, a tape measure (don’t take a chance on this one, best to have the correct measurements of your home as indicated on the tape measure), a ladder (unless you’re very, very tall), an extension cord and timer & lighting controls. Oh yes, and don’t forget about the lights themselves.

Perhaps the most fun part of the process is determining your design. Are you looking for a house that’s completely lit up and one that you can see from a mile away? Or are you looking for something that’s a bit more subtle? Either way, sketch out a general picture of your home or print a recent picture. Then you can plot exactly where you want the lights. Logistically it is important to think about surfaces and where outlets are, although the aforementioned extension cord will definitely come in handy if you’re planning on stretching your lights beyond a certain point.

You may have no idea where to start as far as where you want to hang the lights outside and that’s just fine. That’s where the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog comes in – your one-stop-shop of information. Here are some popular locations:

  • Either inside or outside of your timber window boxes and planters
  • Hanging along the eves or lines of your roof
  • Decking any sort of landscaping you already have like trees or hedges
  • Wound around pillars, posts or deck railings, especially if you have a verandah or portico outside
  • Lining your windows, door frames, especially your front door and any other architectural features that you want to show off
  • Near driveways and pathways, perhaps lining the driveway all of the way to the home or garage

We know that we’ve probably opened a Pandora’s Box of curiosity and maybe even a sense of motivation, which means you’ll just have to come back for our next post!

Renting Out Your Home – What You Should Know

Renting Out Your HomeHomes are, at their most basic definition, an investment if you own them. Everyone goes into investing in different ways, and none of the methods are wrong per se. Everyone has different priorities, different challenges, different timelines and different budgets. So, while some of our Victorian Foundation Repairs customers are moving into homes and planning to be the only inhabitants, others get excited about adding to their individual or household portfolios with properties that they’re purchasing solely to rent out to others.

This can be a great money maker if you do it right and we’re here to ensure that we help with that. While being a landlord is definitely more hands-off, you still want to stay clued in on what sorts of behaviours are taking place on the property of which your name is attached to. Don’t let that deter you, however; you just need to follow some recommended guidelines that will save the sanity of everyone involved. Here are some of our favourites:

  • Set boundaries. There are boundaries that are commonplace, nothing out of the ordinary, items that should come as no surprise and are most likely listed in a rental agreement. These are things like, how long should it take you to move out? What can you hang up on the walls? Can you paint said-walls? But you should also have the conversation with your tenants about more humane additions – like, how will the two groups communicate with each other? Are you as landlord able to stop by whenever you please or will that create contention? There are no right or wrong answers as long as the conversations are had and that the answers are properly outlined.
  • Treat the property as, well, your property. You like to take care of the things that matter most to you, don’t you? We’re guessing that prized possessions like jewelry or family heirlooms probably aren’t on display to be easily stolen. If they are, that’s a different conversation that we’re more than happy to have with you. While we focus on reinforcing the foundation of your home, we care deeply about everything you care about – every square inch of the home. Back to today’s topic, take value in what you just invested in and monitor how it’s doing as an investment. There are dozens of sites and apps that can help you keep a keen eye as to how your decision is doing. In fact, it can help inform what you’d like to rent your property for.
  • Have everything written down on paper. Depending on what area you live in, renting and subletting guidelines can be totally different, but something that seems to be a common denominator is having all of the proper paperwork in place. Remember to take any emotions out of this process; the point is for everyone to protect themselves and ultimately for everyone to succeed.

It’s an exciting venture and we’d love to be along for the ride. Give us a call if you have any questions.

Working with Local Companies

Working with Local CompaniesYou have a lot of options when it comes to the vendors and contractors that you work with, no matter what project you’re about to embark on. You may be reinforcing the foundation of your home, putting a pool in the backyard, painting an interior wall or adding updated lighting to a room.

The great thing is – you have options; you could easily get on the internet, type in whatever you’re looking for, and have it delivered to you in a box within a week. Victorian Foundation Repairs is all about convenience. We’ve shaped our business model time and time again to put you – our customers – first. But we know that there’s a lot of give and take when it comes to creating a really positive experience for you. So, while convenience can be a major benefit, we never want the quality to be a trade-off.

And that’s why we love being a local company. We believe in putting local companies first, ourselves included. We’ve seen a major uptick in support of small businesses and local companies all over the globe and it’s been heartwarming and inspiring – especially when we need news like this the most. There are many additional benefits, including these:

  • You’re putting money right back into your local community. This is money that you can see, the return on investment is found on your main street, in your shopping areas, at your area schools and even in the events that you hold with your neighbours. There’s an increased sense of pride and transparency when you feel good about making a purchase or hiring a contractor, knowing that the benefits are coming right back to you.
  • We get to know you on a more personal level. Yes, if you’re working with a chain, a franchise or a national company, they have more money to invest in technology and can reply via email or take phone calls. But we’re old school in the sense that we appreciate in-person meetings when we can and love to follow-up with our customers to ensure that every part of the process met and exceeded standards.
  • Timelines can be expedited. When we’re right nearby, you know where to find us – if you have questions, changes, comments or updates. If we arrive on a job site to survey and learn that the materials that we have on hand are completely wrong, it’s a quick trip back to our home base and one that we’re always happy to make. Reinforcing the foundation of your home using our premier restumping, reblocking and underpinning solutions is no easy feat and nothing to make light of. These are jobs that should be done right, and they should be done with both speed and care.

Shopping local doesn’t end with your contracting services or even anything related to your home, it extends far beyond that and all it takes is a few searches to discover which businesses you can check out now.

How and Why You Should Regulate Temperature in Your Home

How and Why You Should Regulate Temperature in Your HomeEvery season the Victorian Foundation Repairs team thinks about different things. These relate to both the business and our personal lives, but they frequently overlap. We got into the business of reinforcing your home’s foundation, because we know how important it is, and what a positive impact it can have on every area of your life when done correctly. When done incorrectly, that’s not quite the case! So, we’re pretty in-tune to what’s important in a successful home – both inside and outside, and that changes depending on what time of year you’re embarking on a project. One of the biggest factors in how well different home elements are functioning, is the temperature and that’s what we’re covering today.

So, why should you regulate temperature in your home? Well, with temperature comes moisture and that can seep in to every nook and cranny of your home. You may have a single-storey bungalow or a giant castle with a hundred rooms, it will find a way in if you don’t properly prepare. Moisture is a bit of a four-letter word with our team; many of the causes of foundation damage are related to moisture, which can quickly wear away at the very structure that’s holding your valuable home upright and together.

Conversely, heat and too little moisture can also be a bit of a challenge. The soil beneath your home will inevitably move over time or expand, depending on the soil. This means that your foundation can buckle, and your walls and ceilings can crack and shift. Nobody wants that.

How do you tackle both of the above? The first and foremost piece of advice that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team can give you is to keep an eagle eye on the signs of foundation damage. Cracks, movement, moisture – these are all your big red flags and reasons for you to call companies like ours. It may be nothing, it may be something, but you’re always better off safe than sorry if you bring in the experts.

You also want to take a good, hard look at your ventilation processes. Many of us love really hot showers, especially after a long work day, but frequently forget to turn on (or don’t have) a fan in areas like your bathroom where excess moisture is a given. It’s a small investment in either time or money, compared to dealing with not only foundation damage, but even more short-term issues like mould. Mould, as a reminder, can quickly make you sick, not to mention bring down the value of the home. If you don’t have the funds to look into an entire ventilation system, a simple fan or keeping the bathroom door cracked can get the job done.

Finally, it’s all about balance. That’s why both humidifiers and de-humidifiers are so popular on sites like amazon. Don’t assume that you just need one or the other, different rooms throughout your home may be seeing different levels of moisture and ventilation in relation to their temperature. Just do your homework and you’ll be set up for success.

September News for the Home

September News for the HomeYour home is not a one and done purchase. Unfortunately, there’s a lot that changes over time – but much of it is good. Changes in the home renovation and construction industries open up new doors (pun intended) for ways to ensure that you and your loved ones are as comfortable and happy as possible. Think about how far we’ve come in just a few hundred years. If we believe some, in 50 years, we’ll all be living in homes operated by robots! We’re not getting that ahead of ourselves today, but we are enjoying one of our favourite Victorian Foundation Repairs blog traditions – our ongoing supply of monthly home news. Inside your home, outside, adjacent, you name it – we’ve gathered the best of the best to share with you. Read on for more information.

Honestly, we’d pay a significant amount of money to never hear the term “new normal” or the term “unprecedented times” ever again. But, since that’s not going to happen anytime soon, we’ve learned to adjust not only our daily lives, but our business models. And we’re not the only ones. Home renovations don’t stop and dreams don’t disappear just because of everything that’s going on in the world. No, we get creative, or at least the authors of this post certainly did. Check it out to learn unique ways to navigate home renovations in… you guessed it… the new normal. Click here for more information.

Finances are always ongoing conversations that we have with our current and prospective clients. We don’t want you to think that these conversations are in any way uncomfortable – they’re simply a piece of the process. We’ve shared this before frequently on the blog, but they really are one of the biggest deterrents to those who have big visions and are scared to kick off the home renovation process. We see that all of the time with those who are employing us for restumping, reblocking and underpinning – and we never want you to feel that way. That’s why we love articles like this one, helping explain different ways that you can easily finance your home repairs and renovations. Bonus if we can then get you excited about them! Visit this article to learn more.

Maybe you’re on the other end of the spectrum; you don’t plan on staying in your current home for long, you’re ready to put it on the market and start your next chapter in life. But is it the right time? As this article shares, “Real estate investors and house flippers often face a big conundrum when selling a home: Sink money into improvements to snag a higher asking price, or list the home in its current condition and hope for the best. In a buyer’s market, the latter approach will often backfire.” It’s a tough decision, but with resources like this article, you may feel better equipped. Check out the article in full, here.  

Driveways Versus Garages and How to Care for Both

Driveways Versus Garages and How to Care for BothIf you’ve ever had to pay for a car, or even been gifted one, you know what a huge investment and ultimately, part of your life, it is. Your first car is like a rite of passage and for some, it can take years and years to save up for it. The glitz and the glamour sticks around for a while, but eventually you realize just what a money pit they are. Wait, you’re thinking, didn’t I visit the blog of Victorian Foundation Repairs – the premiere provider of restumping, reblocking and underpinning services in the area? You did! Don’t worry about that at all. But what you didn’t realize is that we offer so much more than that. On our blog we regularly share information about your home in general – what works, what doesn’t work and more. Because we spend so much time outside surveying the foundation and structure of your home, we notice elements like different rooms, exterior details and specific to today’s post – driveways and garages. But which works for you? Read on to learn more.

There really are benefits to both. Either way, you’re not having to deal with street parking, garage parking or worse, no parking at all. A driveway or a garage is not just a place to park your vehicle (of any variety), but it’s a piece of your property that you can get creative with. We love thinking about the different ways to use your garage if you don’t have anything to park there – fitness center, man cave or she-shed, art studio… the options abound. Similarly, a driveway is a great place for a basketball hoop, a cricket set-up or just a general place to play and socialize. Both are canvases for creativity.

There are also characteristics of both which probably make more sense for you. To start with, if you live in a cold or wet environment and/or have a higher value vehicle that you want to keep safe and secure, you probably want to look for a house with a garage – preferably with easy access from the garage right into the home, so that you don’t get wet or cold as well.

If you live in a dry or warm environment, this isn’t as much of an issue, so a driveway is acceptable and sometimes even optimal. It can take thousands of dollars off of the price of the house, so if a garage is negotiable for you, you may end up saving a lot of money without one.

How do you care for them? Treat your garage like any other room in your home – tidy it up on a weekly basis, so that there’s not debris and certainly no old food or trash laying around. Sweep it out whenever you can and when weather comes, insulate it as best you can.

Driveways, you’ll want to power wash at least twice a year, but they require a lot less maintenance – that is, as long as the children (or the youthful adults) haven’t had too much fun with sidewalk chalk.

The Victorian Foundation Repairs team hopes you have a great week!