Let’s Ask the Expert

No, we’re not talking about us. Although, we should be. The team at Victorian Foundation Repairs is pleased as punch to be as good at what we do and still love it as much as we do. It didn’t come easily – it took *decades* of hard lessons, takeaways and brainstorming about how to be the best in the business. But it was worth it – every single minute. And you know what one of the biggest takeaways was? That you always need to learn from the expert.

The expert can be anyone. And there’s a reason that we’re not putting it in capital letters, because we believe that everyone can be an expert in their own right. Some are born with it, some learn with it, and some say that they want nothing to do with it. The biggest reason that we started the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog is that we knew we had expertise to share with the world. The biggest reason that we’re starting this series, is that we know that we’re not the only ones who have something to share with the world.

Enter… Let’s Ask the Expert. Check out our first, someone who truly knows what he’s doing in the home renovation space.

We’re starting with a topic that can cause us great heartache – and that’s the weather that can impede the evolution of your homes. So, cheers as an industry to Home Value Renovation… just one example of why choosing local can make all of the difference in the world.

Straight from Carmel Magazine:

“Mike Redman, president and owner of HVR, is a local contractor with more than 20 years of storm damage and home remodeling experience. He is a trusted business owner and reputable contractor in his industry. Redman looks to educate homeowners before they are in dire need of his services and expertise. He said it really begins with educating homeowners about how to shop for property or homeowner’s insurance.

“Educating people before they buy insurance is the ideal situation,” Redman said. “In a perfect world, we would start the conversation at the point where the homeowner is shopping for insurance. Typically, people just call the agent and company that they’ve been with the longest and get a quote for a homeowner’s policy to cover a major catastrophe and to satisfy a mortgage company’s requirement. Homeowners will ask for a $500 or $1,000 deductible policy quote but may not ask anything else—for instance, what, if any, exclusions are written in the policy regarding wind or hail damage? What most people don’t realize is that storm damage can come with exclusions and a 1% deductible, which is different than the $500 or $1,000 deductible that is stated in the policy.”

He makes all of the right points, and only serves as the jumping-off point for this series. Stay tuned for much more information about those in ALL of our industries, who are truly making a difference and paving the way.

Our Home Renovation Services- Part II

The easiest way to set ourselves up for success as a company and a partner in your home renovation process, is to elevate you as a major stakeholder in every decision that we make. While we certainly consider ourselves experts in our skill-set, that doesn’t mean that we’re not open to conversations and questions about our ideas for your homes and businesses. That is how great collaborations are fostered, and we are all about great collaborations.

1So let’s talk through the remainder of the process, the services that you can expect (both tangible and not so) through the duration of your renovation.

So far we’ve walked through the pre-process, which is where most of the creative conversations will take place. After all, we won’t feel comfortable having you sign on the dotted line for our services with any project, if we can’t promise you alignment with the vision that has been in your head for so long.

But if we’re on the same page, then it’s time to get the home renovation party started. You now have in-hand contract with duration and costs. If we see these numbers changing once the work has begun (whether it will take longer or cost a different amount), then we will communicate that to you immediately. You won’t be put in positions to sign away your life based off of our updates, we’ll always give you options. For example, if it’s going to take two weeks longer to give you one product, but we can give you a secondary product in one week– it’s up to you which you prefer. We will give you our opinions– sure– but you make the final decisions.

Our work should take up to ten days, dependent on customizations, size of the land and specific challenges. For 80% of instances you shouldn’t even have to leave your house. There’s a good chance, if we’re only working on the foundation of the home, that you won’t know that we’re there. During this time we will give you updates as frequently as you’d like. If you don’t want any updates, then we’ll be quiet as mice, unless we need cost/time/material approvals. If you want daily updates on exactly what is going on, then that is exactly what you will get. You will have one Team Lead from Victorian Foundation Repairs, one consistent face to see each day and to ensure you that everything is always under control.

And when the work is done? Well then it’s time for an in-person walkthrough. We should have answers to any questions that you may come up with. We can explain the materials that we’ve used. We can explain exactly how long your restumped foundation will last and best practices to make sure that this duration is as long as it can be.

Only once we receive a seal of approval and firmly shake hands, will we settle all accounts. But the relationship doesn’t stop there. Our work with foundations traverses into a host of knowledge about the durability of walls, floors and homes in general. Feel free to reach out with questions at any time. Our friendship and commitment to you, is lifelong.