Does it Make Sense to Fix the Foundation of an Old Home?

Does it Make Sense to Fix the Foundation of an Old HomeThe Victorian Foundation Repairs team loves homes. We have such respect for them. Working on the foundation at each property that we’re fortunate to work with, we only scratch the surface of the number of challenges and opportunities that architects run into. Architecture truly is a beautiful thing and we’re grateful that we get to play a role in supporting its shape and structure. That brings us to today’s topic – old homes. Even the term seems to have negative connotations, doesn’t it? Well, we certainly don’t think that’s the case. We think that older homes laid the groundwork (pun intended) for every innovation that’s come since.

The most beautiful things need to be well-taken care of. The best care costs money. And money isn’t anything that any of us want to shake our heads at. That’s just one of the many ways that the mindset at Victorian Foundation Repairs is different than that of other companies in the restumping, reblocking and underpinning industries. We keep money in your wallet so that you can be excited and rewarded about your current project.

Today’s project is fixing your foundation. A reminder for our new readers – fixing your foundation is necessary for a number of reasons, not least of which is that you want your home to be safe and comfortable. The signs will always be there. You’ll see small cracks in your walls, ceiling or floors, you’ll see excess moisture where it shouldn’t be, you may even notice that the floors start to tilt a little bit. All of these are key reasons to give us or an expert in your area a call.

But the real question is whether it’s worth making the investment in the project? And that brings us back to the point of today’s post. The short answer is that there’s no correct answer, but there are a couple of thoughts that you should ponder:

  • Are you planning on living on the property for a long period of time? If so, having a tricky foundation will impact your quality of living, so we recommend making the investment.
  • Surprisingly in the same vein, if you’re planning on selling your home in the near future, it’s absolutely imperative to make sure that the foundation is shipshape. Look at it as a necessary investment – otherwise, you’ll just have to pay to have the foundation leveled once the deal is signed and then you don’t necessarily have ownership over choosing a contractor.
  • Are the signs at a noticeable caliber? We like to look at any cracks that are more than 1/8 inch. It can be a challenge to not jump to conclusions and have an eagle eye looking at every nook and cranny of your home. But not every blemish should be considered something to worry about. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team always likes to say, “better safe than sorry,” but we’re always happy when the results are safe.

The Structural Challenges when you Live in a Period Home

The Structural Challenges when you Live in a Period HomeThere is something really special about living in a period home. We’ve talked about this before on the blog. You’re living in a piece of history, where tonnes of memories and stories have come to life. That’s why more and more prospective homeowners are choosing to go this route and are scouring the market for the best finds around.

If you’re a member of the Victorian Foundation Repairs team or a faithful follower of our blog, you know that we’re 100 percent committed to the foundation and structure of your home. We support this through the best restumping, reblocking and underpinning services around. We take the time and effort so that your house is a home and somewhere that you feel excited to come home to every day.

As said, for some, this means period homes. And while we commend this decision and always support our customers, we also want to share all of the highlights and warnings that we possibly can. Read on for more information:

Houses do age slowly and it’s tough to discern what an “older home” actually means. The team at Victorian Foundation Repairs and experts around the world have aligned that anything older than 30 years falls into this category.

We underestimate the importance of regular home maintenance, but when you check off those chores once a week, a month, a year, you’re adding huge longevity to your property – whether you decide to sell it or stay until a ripe old age.

Some are apparent to even the most untrained eye and they’re frequently the reason that prospective customers reach out. If you’re walking around your home and you’re noticing that floor is uneven, that there are cracks in the walls, or damage to the ceiling – chances are that you’re dealing foundation issues, something the team at Victorian Foundation Repairs simply won’t abide.

As shared on Forbes, “Hairline cracks in concrete are not usually indicative of a major problem, but an inspection by a certified structural engineer is the only way to know for sure whether something is an issue. Costs to repair a foundation can be as low as $1,000, but can also run substantially more, and in some cases, foundations cannot be reasonably repaired.”

Similarly, and of equal importance, water can cause significant damage and be the silent enemy where you don’t even realize. Make sure that you’re keeping an eye out for water spots on exterior walls, which are far more prevalent with older plumbing systems.

Finally, there are the opportunities that are easy to replace. While the popcorn ceiling may have been the desired architectural feature at one point, that’s no longer the case. Here’s where you need to bring in the experts and you should start with the team here. You are our number one priority and that will always remain the case.

Questions? Comments? Let us know. We’re excited to hear from you.