Happy New Year to all of our valued community of customers. Happy New Year to our team and all of our family and friends. It creates a warm feeling in your stomach, doesn’t it? You accomplished hopefully everything that you wanted to, and now you’re on the hunt for your next set of goals. We know that we are. We aim to have the mindset each day, but when there’s a holiday involved, specifically geared to inspire, there’s even more reason to challenge ourselves. We challenge ourselves for you and also for ourselves so that we can grow as teammates, employees, a company and as a general service that we can offer you.
Sometimes that means going back to basics and answering the simplest questions that you need the answers to. One such? Why on earth do we even need foundations? We know what they are, and hopefully, you do too. If not, definitely make a point to peruse the entirety of the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog. It’s a wealth of knowledge. It discusses what foundations are, how we build them, the different tools and materials that we take advantage of, how they’re maintained and the role that they play in the bigger picture of your dream home. It’s a lengthy list. We can’t reiterate enough the importance of painting the broader picture for you and your knowledge. Only then you can feel comfortable about making updates to your home.
So, back to our question. Why does a home need a foundation? It’s not like it’s going anywhere, right? Wrong. The land and soil on which our properties are built shift each and every day. When there’s a big rainstorm, the soil will compact and shift. Conversely, when there’s no rain, the soil can dry out and not cause the fortitude that you need to keep your home in place. She’s a fickle mistress, that Mother Nature. Either way, there’s a massive opportunity for your home to move one direction or the other – not something that you want to happen.
We’re sure that it must have been an interesting conversation back in the day – the process of determining exactly how to stake your home into the ground so that it was as permanent as possible. The mechanisms and processes have changed over hundreds of years, but the premise remains the same. We know that there will be a continued evolution of said processes over thousands of years to come, as companies like Victorian Foundation Repairs think through the right materials that leave the smallest carbon footprint, but still make sure that you maintain yours.
We do this with your input and feedback and value it more than we can say. Especially as we move into 2020, please continue to provide us with your thoughts and opinions on your experience as we restump, reblock or underpin your property. We’re excited to connect and more than happy to answer any questions that you may have.