The Difference Between Victorian Foundation Repairs and our Competitors

The Difference Between Victorian Foundation Repairs and our CompetitorsWelcome to the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog! We’re so happy to have you here and to share with you information about an industry that we’re passionate about. We’ve been restumping, reblocking and underpinning homes and businesses in the Melbourne area for years, and our company boasts the best in the business. This blog serves as our conversation hub for the topics that get us excited. We believe that one of the best ways to encourage our customers to take care of the foundations of their homes and businesses is to arm them with the information that will help them make the right decisions. It’s not about selling, it’s about sharing.

Today, we’re talking about our industry at large. We’re fortunate enough to live in an area where you have many options to choose from. And we’re excited that you’re here with us. We want to prove to you that you’ve made the right choice, but we don’t think that will be hard to do.

Our Experience

First up, let’s talk through the basics. When you choose Victorian Foundation Repairs, you can expect experience. As mentioned previously, we come to the table with years of it. We’ve fortified the foundation on properties of all shapes and sizes. It doesn’t matter what style of home you have and it doesn’t matter what neighbourhood you live in. We’ve worked on every different type of terrain, and we’ve worked with every type of soil. We’ve seen sloped lots that would make you nervous and we’ve worked on properties that are riddled with trees. We have dozens of stories as we’ve learned over the years and they’ve helped shape the level of experience that our team members have today. Sometimes our customers are nervous to move forwards with restumping jobs because they know what’s at stake. After all, we’re essentially ripping apart your home. But when you look at our Website and you look at our work, we hope it puts you at ease.

Our Level of Customer Service

Second only to experience is the level of customer service and support that you can expect from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team. While we’re not saying that our competitors are disrespectful, we are saying that we take the extra time to make you feel comfortable. Like we previously mentioned, many of our customers are nervous about embarking on the work. This is only amplified if the team that you’re working with is cold or distant. We treat our customers like friends and want you to know that the relationship continues far after the work is done. Questions? Let us know. Comments? We want to hear them. Feedback? We relish it. It’s the best way to grow and that’s something that we’ll make a priority until the end of time.

There are many other soft and hard skills that set our work and our team apart, but these two are paramount. We hope that they encourage and inspire you to contact us and begin the work of making your home as safe and as comfortable as possible.

Happy Holidays from Victorian Foundation Repairs

While the weather may indicate otherwise, tis the holiday season. Even if the ground isn’t blanketed with snow, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get into the holiday spirit. It’s time to plan festive family get-togethers. It’s time to gather around tables filled with loved ones. It’s time to unbutton the top button of your pants and really get into the delicious treats that tend to make the rounds during the next month. (We’ll worry about that whole diet and exercise thing once the new year rolls around).

It’s a time of joy, a time of reflection and a time for planning ahead. So first, the joy! The best part of our jobs, each and every day. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing community for another wonderful year. We couldn’t do it without you, and we can’t thank you enough. It seems like we blinked and this year passed by in a flash. There were monumental political decisions and seismic shifts in the ways that society works together. But we only continued to see the values and the principles come to life that we’ve begun to expect from both our teammates and you, our customers. We feel so blessed to get to work with you, to add value to your houses and to turn your houses into homes.

Next up, the reflection. Again, the gratitude is a really big piece of this, but we also want to think about where we could have done better, what changes we can make to ensure that your homes are fortified at their best. As we look to the year ahead, we promise to only continue to grow and improve. As no doubt you’ve read on the blog in the past, we don’t believe in finish lines. We don’t believe in mountain peaks or cruxes. We believe that there is always room for improvements and enhancements. We take great pride in showcasing the feedback that we receive from you. Where other companies may have breakrooms littered with jokes and comic strips, ours is wallpapered with both the positive and the constructive. And it bears reminding that we appreciate the constructive just as much, if not more, than we do the positive. So keep it coming! We hope that our partnerships with our customers will continue into the new year and beyond, and we want to make sure that you’re set up for success.

Finally, the planning! What will we tackle in the coming months? A lot. No teasers yet, but just know that we have some good stuff coming. We will continue to research the best in materials and innovation. We will continue to think through process shifts that cut down on the time it takes to fortify your home. And we will continue to info-share, so that you feel properly educated about the work that’s being done on your home.

In summary, we will continue to seek feedback, we will continue to listen, and we will continue to share. Looking forwards to another awesome year, thank you team!

Happy Holidays from Victorian Foundation Repairs!

Happy Holidays from Victorian Foundation Repairs!Well, it’s that time of year again. We don’t know about you, but for the Victorian Foundation Repairs team, it sure feels like 2016 flew by in the blink of an eye. We saw political upsets and pop culture phenomenons. We saw births and passings of loved ones, we saw technological advances that created improvements and evolutions in all sorts of different business industries. It was definitely one for the books.

The end of the year is always an important time. It’s a time for reflection, it’s a time for planning and it’s a time for gratitude. It’s when our team takes stock of what worked, what didn’t and what we’d like to do differently.

As far as reflection goes, we’re extremely happy with the past year. We’ve been able to hone our craft even more and present the best possible products that we can to our valued customers. We were able to learn, each and every day, whether that’s been through industry events, written and visual resources, or simply through conversations. We were able to listen, capitalizing on each and every piece of feedback that we received. As you know, we thrive on, and depend on feedback. It doesn’t matter if it was positive or negative, we integrated it directly into our processes. We are strong believers that there will never be a finish line or crux in our ability to provide you the best services, but we will sure keep chasing it.

As far as planning, we could not be more excited for the year ahead. We’re excited to provide Restumping services to more and more customers, in Melbourne and beyond. We’re excited to work with new and different terrains, stretching our creativity muscles and problem solving whenever we can. We’re excited to research and test ways to work faster, and with materials that are even more premium, and wherever possible- sustainable. We’re excited to minimize our carbon footprint, and remain dedicated to making the right decisions for our business model, for the industry and for the environment. Sensing a theme here? We’re just very, very excited, and hope that you are as well.

Saving the best for last—we cannot stress enough, how grateful we are. We are grateful for both the past year, and the year ahead. Above anything else, we are grateful for you- our extremely valuable customers. Victorian Foundation Repairs doesn’t believe that our relationship with our customers ends with payment. We look at our customer base as lifelong friends. We want you to feel comfortable reaching out with questions or feedback, years after the work is complete. There is no such thing as a silly question, no such thing as an odd comment, no such thing as closing the door on our constant and consistent communication, even years after we’ve worked together.

The happiest of holidays to you, from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team. Thank you for a wonderful year. We hope that you are able to relax and enjoy time with your family and loved ones. See you in 2017!

2016: A Look at an Exciting Year Ahead

2016--A-Look-at-an-Exciting-Year-AheadJanuary is a funny month. You might be feeling a wee bit sluggish from the excessive amounts of eating and drinking during the holidays. Reference miracle hangover cures for such ailments, here. You may be feeling a bit strapped for cash as the bills from aforementioned holidays begin to roll in. You might be feeling nostalgic for a successful year’s completion. We certainly are. We can’t thank your valued customers enough for a truly wonderful 2015. With your help, we were able to expand our reach and assist more and more amazing families and businesses. It’s truly through your positive word of mouth recommendations that we’ve been able to grow as much and as quickly as we have.

On the other hand, you may see January as the best fresh start possible, and an abundance of excitement and trepidation for the year ahead. There are so many possibilities—it’s a blank, clean slate. You can set your expectations as high as you’d like, there’s no one stopping you. And finally… It’s the month of a funny little thing called resolutions.

Resolutions can be our voices of reason, or the bane of our existence, depending on how you handle them. We like to always operate on the former. Here at Victorian Foundation Repairs, we relish New Year’s resolutions. We can’t reiterate enough how much we strive for progress in this industry. We do so in a variety of ways. These include immersing ourselves in educational opportunities, like tradeshows, and pouring over related publications. We’re searching for innovations in both materials and process. We’re looking for materials which are light, but sturdy, materials that will last for generations to come so that you and your loved ones can feel comfortable in your home. We’re looking for the tools that will expedite the install process and make sure that it’s done well, there will never be holes or workarounds when you’re working with Victorian Foundation Repairs.

So as far as we’re concerned, January is a really exciting month. We’re writing our resolutions based around the above goals and we’re confident that we’ll meet and exceed each and every one. We’re looking forward to growing in 2016—to working with larger and more complicated properties. We’re looking for challenges and we’re looking to help.

The best way to meet and exceed your resolutions? Find an accountability buddy. The accountability partner is a great go-to to track your progress with. Who best to fit this role for Victorian Foundation Repairs? We didn’t have to look very far. We hereby designate each of our wonderful customers as our accountability buddies. It’s through both your positive and constructive feedback that we grow. Please keep us posted on what works and what doesn’t through any medium that works best for you. Phone? Email? In person? The forum doesn’t mater to us. We love talking to you about your experience, so that we can integrate those learning’s moving forward.

Looking forward to a wonderful year!

The Best Way to Stay Cool in the Heat

Mother Nature can be one tricky lady. One minute she’s scorching us all with her fiery rays of sun, the next she’s dumping down torrents of ice, cold rain. You simply never know. You may have noticed that the past couple of posts have touched on ways to keep you and your loved ones comfortable, looking at your home from the INSIDE. So it may surprise you to find that our suggestion to stay cool in the heat…enjoy it responsibly!

The services of Victorian Foundation Repairs are robust and extensive. They’re not just for the underpinning and reblocking services that your home requires. They’re not just for your foundation- out of sight and out of mind. They’re also for the architectural elements of your house that you want to share with everyone and show off for all to see. And that includes beautiful decks and verandah spaces where you can rest your feet and enjoy an ice-cold beverage (adult-style or other).

The-Best-Way-to-Stay-Cool-in-the-HeatSo the first step is deciding if a deck or verandah space is right for you. Devil’s advocate– it might not be. Your home may need releveling services based on the terrain of the area. You’ll need to figure out the boundaries of your property and if you’d like to keep a portion of the outdoor area for grass, a pool or garden full of flowers. However if you’re comfortable with getting these extra pieces of work done, then you’re well on your way. Based on that information, you’ll be able to determine how many squares of land you have at your disposal to build a deck or verandah space. There is a noted difference between the two. A deck is open-air. A verandah space is covered and frequently wraps around the front of the house. Both have great benefits, best of all- that you’re able to enjoy the sunshine from the privacy of your own property.

Once you’ve determined if a deck or verandah is right for you, the Victorian Foundation Repairs team can take it the rest of the way. We’ll do a valuation onsite and let you know exactly what you can expect. If there are extra services needed based on the terrain of the property, or the slope, we’ll keep you posted on the timeline and any additional costs associated. We’ll always be totally transparent about any changes along the way, keeping you looped in as much or as little as you would like.

Once we’ve installed your deck or verandah and ensured that it meets the vision and functional criteria that you expected, then it’s time for you to truly enjoy the great outdoors. At this point we just have a few wise words to pass on—sunscreen, cold beverages, music at an appropriate temperature or a good read for an afternoon, and the best people that you can find.

Questions? As always reach out to your Victorian Foundation Repairs team. We’re pleased and honored to help with any of your reblocking, releveling and deck or verandah needs.