We get this question all the time. More and more in fact. It’s a huge testament to the work that we’ve put into the last few decades of our passion here, and you better believe that there is far more to come. But today on the blog, our team at Victorian Foundation Repairs is celebrating the work that’s been completed and our never-wavering sense of urgency to continue to be the best! Why else do you think that we started this blog? We knew that there was an appetite to showcase why you choose us to reinforce the foundation of your homes and equally as importantly – to explain how and why. There’s a simple answer all around. People.
Yes, you come first. You will always be our valued community of friends, not customers. But one of the reasons that we like you so much, is that you care just as much about us. You have questions, you have comments, and the biggest one tends to be – what on earth does your job entail?
We thought we’d have some fun with this one. Read on for a day-in-the-life of a Victorian Foundation Repairs employee.
6:00 a.m.: yes, this is the standard wake-up time, if not sooner. After a hearty breakfast, we’re on the road. Depending on the season and depending on your needs, this may be the best time to show up, get any sort of work started, and not disrupt your day. Of course, that being said, we’re flexible and can show up any time that works the best for you.
8:00 a.m.: If we’re not immediately at your home for a job, it’s likely that we’re at the home office, scheming about the best ways to help you. Someone may have found an amazing new sustainable material for the posts in your foundation and someone may have heard feedback that a certain process didn’t work its best in a specific area around; either way, it’s all about the brainstorming and camaraderie.
All day long: You can’t put a timeframe on this one, because once we get going… we get going. We’re on the phone with current and prospective customers, we’re doing site checks to discern if you need restumping support and how, we’re continuing the conversation to ensure that you’re as happy as possible with the work that’s been completed and we’re celebrating each other’s wins. We’re only as strong as our weakest teammate and it’s a true honour to say that we don’t have any of those around here.
End of day: What on earth is that? All jokes aside, here at Victorian Foundation Repairs, we value work-life balance AND put you first at the same time. Shocking, right? You’re always guaranteed that we’re giving you our 124 percent, and that you’re represented by a company that loves our families, each other and what we do.
Sappy enough? Send us some questions or comments. We’re excited to hear from and work with you.