You may be surprised to hear that many families around the country specifically plan backyard renovations for the colder months. There are many benefits to consider. Prices for labor may be cheaper, the soil may be a bit more pliable in different areas, or maybe you just finally have time to oversee the process. Either way, congratulations. Renovating your backyard is an exciting process. Victorian Foundation Repairs wants to support you through processes like this one, and provide whatever tips, tricks and tools we can, to ensure that the renovation goes smoothly.
With that in mind, here are some do’s and don’ts that we recommend keeping top of mind, if the time has come for you to do a backyard renovation:
Do’s for Backyard Renovations
Keep Landscaping in mind- Backyard renovations aren’t all about building something new. They’re a great opportunity to look into a landscaping design scheme that’s in-line with the look and feel you’re going for. Too often, people forget about incorporating plant life. When they try and add it in later, it feels forced or out of place.
Remain detail-oriented- Every piece of the puzzle counts, when you’re embarking on a backyard renovation. Make sure that you’re creating a detailed-vision and confirming that everything syncs up appropriately.
Budget accordingly, and then add a buffer- This is a big one that many folks forget about. Too often they make one-of decisions, simply because they haven’t planned out the dollars in advance. Those decisions bite them later, because they’re probably not in line with the bigger picture. So plan ahead. Budget accordingly, and then add a little extra to plan for unforeseen costs.
Leverage existing wins- Maybe you live adjacent to a beautiful lake, or maybe your area is home to some of the most beautiful trees in the area. We recommend that you always incorporate pieces like this into your vision, instead of trying to cover them.
Consider adding lighting- Lighting is a great addition year-round, to any backyard. It doesn’t matter if you have a pool, specific greenery that you’d like to see highlighted, or if you just feel safer with lighting in place. The value makes it worth it.
Don’ts for Backyard Renovations
Forget to look at the big picture- This is important for the detail-oriented among us, as well as those that tend to stress. A backyard renovation is above anything else, a blessing and something to look forwards to. When the details get you down, just remember that the end result will be worth it.
Ignore the long-term vision- Similarly to the above, this don’t focuses on ignoring piece-meal plans. One of the worst mistakes you can make is to work a backyard renovation bit by bit over long amounts of time. Far better for the value of the home and the peace of mind of the owners, if you plan ahead.
Fail to research appropriate approvals- lucky for you, when you work with companies like Victorian Foundation Repairs, you can take this off of your plate. If this is not the case, make sure that you’re researching all of the right boxes to check.