Oh, 2018. We have seen you, we have loved and appreciated you, and we are ready for the next year. And a big part of preparing for the holidays and readying ourselves for the new year means that we need to get ourselves all signed up to be our best selves as we tackle 2019.
There are a lot of variables here. Some of them have to do with closing the books. Some of them have to do with looking toward the new year and knowing that it’s going to be better than all of the previous and not as good as any of the rest. Some of them have to do with being grateful and knowing that the coming year is going to be amazing, if we take into account the partners, the customers, the teammates and everyone associated with the Victorian Foundation Repairs team who have not only made the past year the best that’s been for this company and this community, but also knowing our commitment to the best year ever. Phew – long-winded sentence, but it’s worth it, when we discuss all of the work and the people that we’re most passionate about.
So, while there will definitely be a more concrete post in the future about what 2019 looks like, today is just a reiteration of what this past 366 has means to us and why.
Yeah, we’ve said it. But we’ll re-say it. We feel like you as customers and partners have been the very best of the best. And here are the ways that we think that you should prepare for a new year:
- Clean! – No better way to kick off New Year’s Day. We put a lot of stock into spring cleaning. Small-scale, large-scale, it doesn’t matter. When you clean properly, you go into a new year in the best mindset possible. While spring cleaning gets most of the credit, we’d like to give some to the new year as a fresh slate.
- Make all of your resolutions! – Again, no pressure here. But we’re in a giving and kind mood on the Victorian Foundation Repairs team and we know that this is the best time to make goals and bets. Extra incentive – make the bets with us… we’re ready…. Insert devil face.
- Make amends – Okay, a little bit emotional here, but for good reason. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team knows that we put a lot of stock in those that are most important to us, and that means that we want to endorse and advocate for everyone who cares about each other. Public Service Announcement – it’s the time of year to give all of the love that you possibly can. Need the help of this team? You can reach out to us via email, phone, in-person, doesn’t matter.
Happy Holidays from the Victorian Foundation Repairs team !