Happy Holidays from Victorian Foundation Repairs

While the weather may indicate otherwise, tis the holiday season. Even if the ground isn’t blanketed with snow, that doesn’t mean that you can’t get into the holiday spirit. It’s time to plan festive family get-togethers. It’s time to gather around tables filled with loved ones. It’s time to unbutton the top button of your pants and really get into the delicious treats that tend to make the rounds during the next month. (We’ll worry about that whole diet and exercise thing once the new year rolls around).

It’s a time of joy, a time of reflection and a time for planning ahead. So first, the joy! The best part of our jobs, each and every day. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank our amazing community for another wonderful year. We couldn’t do it without you, and we can’t thank you enough. It seems like we blinked and this year passed by in a flash. There were monumental political decisions and seismic shifts in the ways that society works together. But we only continued to see the values and the principles come to life that we’ve begun to expect from both our teammates and you, our customers. We feel so blessed to get to work with you, to add value to your houses and to turn your houses into homes.

Next up, the reflection. Again, the gratitude is a really big piece of this, but we also want to think about where we could have done better, what changes we can make to ensure that your homes are fortified at their best. As we look to the year ahead, we promise to only continue to grow and improve. As no doubt you’ve read on the blog in the past, we don’t believe in finish lines. We don’t believe in mountain peaks or cruxes. We believe that there is always room for improvements and enhancements. We take great pride in showcasing the feedback that we receive from you. Where other companies may have breakrooms littered with jokes and comic strips, ours is wallpapered with both the positive and the constructive. And it bears reminding that we appreciate the constructive just as much, if not more, than we do the positive. So keep it coming! We hope that our partnerships with our customers will continue into the new year and beyond, and we want to make sure that you’re set up for success.

Finally, the planning! What will we tackle in the coming months? A lot. No teasers yet, but just know that we have some good stuff coming. We will continue to research the best in materials and innovation. We will continue to think through process shifts that cut down on the time it takes to fortify your home. And we will continue to info-share, so that you feel properly educated about the work that’s being done on your home.

In summary, we will continue to seek feedback, we will continue to listen, and we will continue to share. Looking forwards to another awesome year, thank you team!