Leverage Your Verandah During Colder Seasons

Whether we like it or not, cold weather is upon us. It’s no use pushing it away, instead- let’s find new and innovative ways to still take advantage of the beautiful spaces that we’ve built outside our homes. Just because the temperature gauge is reading something different, doesn’t mean it’s entirely time to close out the outdoors. After all, Vitamin D is a real need- year-round. Today, the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog will be focusing on the best ways to use a specific outdoor element- your verandah.

You spent valuable time, money and energy on your verandah. It’s an important investment, and you should be able to see returns year-round. Are you already longingly recalling the summer barbecues and hangout sessions of warmer days? Never fear, you can make just as many awesome memories now that Winter is upon us. Here are some tips and tricks, that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team would recommend keeping in mind:

Turn up the temperatures

Let’s be honest, this is the easiest fix. You’re most likely not taking advantage of your verandah, because it’s too dang chilly outside. Luckily, there are so many awesome options out on the market, for you to explore. The key, when researching, is to ensure whatever model you land on, it can be used safely under solid roofs and near the main house structure. Two that we’ve seen great luck with are patio heaters and outdoor fireplaces. Both lend different benefits to the look and feel of your choice. If you go the patio heater route, you’ll still need to determine if you want to explore natural gas options or those powered by electricity. Both of these will have specific stipulations around where the heater can live.

Provide some shelter

Leverage Your Verandah During Colder SeasonsWe know, we know, isn’t the verandah already more sheltered than elsewhere in the backyard? While this is true, the act of winterizing your verandah, takes this to the next level. We recommend that you explore blinds specifically designed for the outdoors. These can be made from a variety of materials, including durable fabrics, lighter PVC, even something as fine as mesh. You don’t really need to line the entirety of the verandah, instead- you can focus on the sides or front that are most susceptible to the cold and the wind outside. With these blinds in place, rain, snow, sleet and other types of weather, will be a non-issue.

Add some color to your verandah

Sometimes all you need is a little facelift. This is especially easily-achievable when it comes to your outdoor verandah. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team recommends nothing too major, but instead, encourages you explore getting creative. Think about brightly colored cushions, or adding new plant life to the verandah environment. With just some small changes, it can feel like a whole new oasis for you and your loved ones to explore.

Victorian Foundation Repairs is dedicated towards creating homes where you can create generations of wonderful memories. Questions? Comments? Concerns? Give the team a shout. We’d love to hear from you!