Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 2

Lighting the Exterior of Your Home- Part 2Welcome back to the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog! We’re thrilled that you’ve visited, and we’re excited to share with you what we’re passionate about – reinforcing the foundation of your home. We know that when we do this successfully, we help literally build your home from the ground up and turn it into a safe and comfortable space that you won’t have to worry about for decades to come. So while our first priority is your home’s foundation, it’s also important to us that we set our customer community up for success by info-sharing. This blog serves as a hub for information related to the foundation of your home as well as information around home renovations, landscaping and more. If you’ve checked in recently, you read about lighting the exterior of your home. This is important both for the health and safety of anyone living in or visiting your home, but it’s also a vital component of curb appeal. Let’s dive into more tips and tricks:

One buzzword that you’ll hear from experts a lot is “the moonlight effect”. That’s what we’re going to focus on in this post. Sounds mysterious, doesn’t it? It’s actually extremely beneficial for both safety and curb appeal. It’s a very natural look that isn’t quite as intense as a full moon (hence the name), but still helps create both the shadows and the highlights that a moon would provide.

There are some simple and effective ways that you can help create the moonlight effect:

Make sure that you’re highlighting any trees that you have on your property. It doesn’t matter if your exterior lights are up in the branches or at the base of the tree, it provides a pretty stunning juxtaposition.

Uplighting is another method that you can provide unique lighting outside. Instead of tilting lights upwards, try mixing it up and pointing them down. This is helpful for illuminating special features on your property and directing traffic.

As with any home renovation projects, you do want a focus. Conflicting lights can be confusing and not aesthetically pleasing. That can also run up the cost of lighting the exterior of your property and puts extra work on your plate if you have to constantly change out light bulbs.

Make sure that you’re finding the balance between beauty and function. There’s a common misconception that they need to be separated but that’s not the case, they’re actually tied together. Think about the elements that you already have on your property. What needs to be highlighted? Where do you need lights in order to navigate or enjoy your regular activities?

Finally, let’s talk through colour. Multi-coloured lights can be fun, but they can also be jarring on the eyes. Designers recommend that you stick to warm, white light.

Follow these tips and you’ll be set up for success when it comes to illuminating the exterior of your home. Questions? Comments? Let us know. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.