When Does it Make the Most Sense to do Home Renovations?

When Does it Make the Most Sense to do Home Renovations?We’re sure that depending on who is reading, your answers to the title of this post will vary. For some of you, the immediate response would be, “absolutely never.” For others who are extremely excited to execute updates on your home, the answer may be, “all of the time.” We target both of these and everyone in between on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog. While foundations are our mainstay (building, reinforcing, checking on, and taking the best care of), the only way we can be successful is if we look at the broader picture. That can mean a bunch of different things, but today we’re talking about timing and we’re talking about home renovations. If you’re a regular, we welcome you back and none of this information should come as a huge surprise. If you’re new – we can’t wait to share just how passionate we are about the work that we do and the different industries that we support.

We thought about a few different ways that we could present this information. We could be really detailed and talk about the days and months of the year where it simply makes sense to reinforce your foundation. We could go a level up and think through the weather patterns and seasons where you should look at the different elements of your home. We could go even bigger than that and talk about the process and sequence of your calendar year, when home renovations should take place. We thought about each of these… and decided to do all of the above. Here are our recommendations:

When should I reinforce my foundation (calendar-wise)?

You know the wettest times of year for the neighbourhood and area where you live. Avoid these! If you’re reinforcing your foundation, it’s probably already in-part due to moisture issues. You want to get ahead of these and take advantage of best-in-class solutions like those offered by the Victorian Foundation Repairs team.

When should I reinforce my foundation (in the greater scheme of things)?

We’re going to sound a little bit like the experts we are here… Immediately! If you see any signs of foundation damage, like cracks in the walls, your floor, your door doesn’t swing open properly… it’s time to call us or another expert in your area. This is not an area of one of the most important investments that you’ll ever make, that you ever want to cut corners on.

When should I check off broader home renovations (calendar-wise and in the greater scheme of things)?

There are many more contingencies and check-offs here. Do you have the budget? Do you have the timeline? Are you looking at the different projects that need to be completed and adjusting their priority accordingly? If so, you’ve done your homework and we’re here to support with any questions that you may have.

We’re thrilled you stopped by the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog and here for whatever you need. Give us a shout, we’d love to hear from you.