March Home Renovation News

March Home Renovation NewsAnother month, another recap of the very best found on the World Wide Web. If you’re newer to the Victorian Foundation Repairs site, welcome! Here you will find the best in the biz when it comes to restumping jobs. Even broader than that, we serve you as experts with decades of experience in the home renovation and landscaping realms. We’ve worked with homes of every size and every style. We’ve worked on every type of terrain and with every different type of customer and we’ve loved every single job. That’s why it’s so much fun for us on a monthly basis, to regroup as a team and then share out our favourite finds on the Web. Here are some of the best of March:

Home Renovation Reveals Artefacts From 1800s

How much fun would it be to move into a new home and determine that hundreds of years of history came before you? That recently happened to this family, who upon further inspection, came upon a host of very exciting historical artefacts from the 1800s. It’s a great reminder that no matter how old your home is, it tells a cool story, especially rooted in the foundations that we reinforce. Read on here for details.

Home Renovations Spark Retail Hiring Increase

This one comes to us from across the pond. Did you know that “In all, retailers added 50,300 jobs in February – four times the number from the month before – even as the U.S. unemployment rate stayed steady at 4.1 percent.”? Who knew that the cause of this was an influx in home renovations? One of the most main causes is building-material stores who back many of the exciting home renovations not just in the United States but also around the world. They hired 10,000 workers last month alone in the United States to ensure that they could meet booming demand associated with home renovations. Read on here for details.

Want to Renovate Your Home Without Headaches?

This article is for you. It’s one of the largest deterrents when it comes to deciding if you’re going to move forwards with a home renovation. Yes, the end result sounds great but you have no idea how much work will go in to the interim. That’s why there has been such an influx in companies, especially smaller companies and start-ups that are there to lend a helping hand. This particular article highlights the importance of these companies and their growth in the future. RemodelMate is currently sourcing funding to help execute on a very cool business plan, where they’ll take all of the work out of future remodels. You can learn more about this here.

These are some of our favourite articles that we’ve found this season, but we know that there are a host of others around the Web. What do our valued customers want to learn about? What questions do you have? What do you want to know in the future? Be sure to let us know so that we can bring you the information that you need.