There’s an interesting psychological aspect to choosing, renting and buying a new home. There’s euphoria about this next step or chapter in your life. And there are ultimately many different stressors that also come along. Too often, you just want to get the process over with, so you choose a property without asking the really important questions that can impact you in the long run. But, honestly – how are you supposed to know? We’re sure that you’re being inundated by multiple different opinions about what you really should be looking for and why. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team is here as the single source of truth. We have no agenda, besides simply offering you the advice that can help you be as serene and happy throughout this process is the biggest win of all for us. Over the next few months, we’ll tackle those questions that you should be asking – as they relate to your foundation – and as they relate to your property at large. Today, we’re talking about maximizing space.
Many homes or properties are staged when you first see them. This is strategic because it helps you envision what furniture or décor would look like in the space when you finally move in. This is a double-edged sword because it can inspire that look and feel that you’re going for, but it can also be deceptive about what can be fit in the room. Some rooms look larger with furniture in them; some rooms look smaller. There’s an easy way to evade this. You can do so by taking your own measurements and trying to look at all spaces with a clean and basic eye. The same is true for your backyard and any landscaping that you might be pondering.
We’re just as partial to your backyard space, as we frequently help price out and install components like verandahs and decks. They’re a win-win, that’s for sure… but they can eat up a valuable chunk of the yard if you’re not aligned with others living in the home about how that space will be used.
That brings us to our most important question and call out for the day… know exactly how your space will be used. If you have a valid reason as to why you need to knock down a wall and create a larger hosting space for your friends and family, well, we think that’s wonderful. Conversely, if you’re in a rush to buy a place, and you see that certain areas aren’t conducive to your daily routine, we strongly recommend that you hold off. Yes, those that work in construction, real estate and home renovations can be passionate about making decisions quickly, depending on the market, but at the end of the day – your biggest investment should be in you.
Questions? Let us know! The Victorian Foundation Repairs team is always here to start this very important conversation.