Restumping is an important investment that the Victorian Foundation Repairs team is passionate about. It’s the reason that we got into this industry – we wanted to turn houses into homes, into comfortable spaces that you feel confident about spending your lives in. We want to increase the comfortability of your house, as well as the safety. We’re dedicated to reinforcing the foundation of your home, truly improving everything from the ground up. This means that we’re educated about every aspect of home renovations and builds – we have to, in order to do our job effectively. So, we try to share whatever nuggets of knowledge we can on the broader industry so that you’re well-informed about your home renovations and projects ahead.
Today, we’re kicking off a series focusing on a popular scenario – you’re looking to buy a new home. But the kicker is, it’s not new. In fact, it’s dated and needs lots of renovations. Renovations can be fun, and they can be very stressful when not executed properly. Add that to the stress of moving into a new place, and the result can be overwhelming. Some people thrive in these environments. If that’s you, then we congratulate you! If it’s not, you’re in the vast majority and we support you. We want you to go into the home purchasing process with no stress, so if your potential property has any of the following issues, think twice before signing on the dotted line.
Our favourite… restumping. While if restumping is the issue, we know a company that can help. But if this is one of several necessary renovations, then it may make more sense to look at a new property. The thing about restumping is that it’s non-negotiable. Not doing it only leads to issues further on down the road, which will amplify over time. If you’re totally sold on the house that you’re looking at and it needs restumping, make sure that you factor this into your budget.
Next up – rewiring (we’re focusing on renovations that begin with the letter “r” today). Most houses older than 20-30 years would at least benefit, if not need, rewiring. Because this is an invisible change, most people don’t think about it or they neglect it. Don’t let that be your problem. While it doesn’t add curb appeal, rewiring is necessary for your safety and comfort.
Finally, for today, roofing. There are a bunch of tasks that need to be completed in order for your roof to be up to code and well maintained. Do the homework, do the math and determine if this is a trade-off for you. It may not be cost-prohibitive, but you’ll want an expert to validate that. You may need to totally replace the roof, which equals far more dollar signs than minor repairs or repainting.
Stay tuned for future posts discussing more renovations to keep your eye on. Questions? Comments? Give us a shout. The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear from you.