Victorian Foundation Repairs is dedicated to ensuring that our ethos, the materials that we use, and the way that we work, are as sustainable and eco-friendly as possible. We’re extremely grateful for our role within the industry. And we love to partner with our competitors to ensure that we’re all looped in on the latest and greatest ways to minimize our carbon footprint.
More than ever, we’re hearing the same thing from our valued customers. You guys want to embark on exciting builds and renovations, but you want to make sure that you’re activating on them in the right way. This makes us beam with pride. We want to ensure that you have the tools, resources and know-how to feel totally comfortable as you navigate processes like that of redecorating. Today, the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog would like to share some tips and tricks to ensure that your next home renovation is eco-friendly:
Add insulation
Did you know that you lose more heating during the colder months and more cool air during the warmer months through your roof more than any other area of your house? Luckily, with just a small addition, you can be saving all the air you want, as well as some of the dollars in your pocket. Think of insulation as a rug for your entire home. Cushion it from the inside so that the excess air has nowhere to go. Bonus points if you look into draft-proofing. When done correctly, this can help you save an additional 25%!
Take a second look at your windows
Yes, their main role is to ensure you can see the beautiful views outside of your windows. But, these can also be a tricky way of losing out of the energy that you and your family need. Take some time to look at the energy-efficient window models on the market. There may be one that fits with your budget. These have ongoing dividends, as you watch your energy bills shrink and shrink. Even if you don’t think you can spring for whole new windows, you can look into window treatments, which still help boost efficiency.
Explore new eco-friendly appliances
We know that these also come at a pretty penny. But, they’re a great investment in your future as a family in your home. We’re talking washers, dryers, dishwashers, almost any appliance that you can think of. Pretty much every line out there in the market right now is coming out with new and innovative ways for you to save energy when using your appliances. It’s worth the time to do a little research, and maybe plan for a future purchase or two.
Each of these are small ways that you can begin to make your home as eco-friendly as possible. But there are dozens more out there! Do you have favorite ways that you’ve helped minimize your carbon footprint? The Victorian Foundation Repairs team would love to hear what they are! Give us a shout.