Once a year, we have a legitimate reason to put together a post on the Victorian Foundation Repairs blog about one of our favourite topics. We have a lot of them. It’s why we continue to be so successful in the business that we’re in – restumping, reblocking and underpinning your properties – because we’re so passionate. We have dozens of topics on which we can wax lyrical with each other and with our customers, and these continue to change and evolve. So, when the holidays come around, it’s great because we don’t have to be the ones out of the ordinary who really, really love our jobs. We like to do these posts once a year, but here are the reasons that we’re grateful this year:
We’re grateful that we continue to have the chance to grow
The needs to reblock, underpin or restump your property aren’t going to go away anytime soon. BUT! The ways in which we can do and have. We get to our sites earlier; we’re more flexible with our schedules – depending on your needs. We can stay later, and we can still be respectful of the needs of our employees.
We’re grateful that we can celebrate each other
We do it every day when we show up with a smile and see what we do as a hobby and passion – not just a paycheck. Our team is our family, and we hope that you can tell when you work with us. A family may not always get along, but they have each other’s backs. We answer each other’s questions, we push each other out of our comfort zones, and we’re there to support each other if there are any challenges that arrive along the way. It’s the best way for us to learn and if you haven’t figured it out already, we’re all about learning around here.
We’re grateful that we’ve been so successful
Don’t worry; it hasn’t gone to our heads. We can only hope that it will continue to be the case for years to come. But, there’s something especially cathartic about the end of a calendar year, because you can’t help but think back on the last 365 days and everything that you’ve achieved. Sure, there were probably some pits along the way and lessons learned. But, overall at Victorian Foundation Repairs, it has been one for the ages, and it is time to celebrate. The holidays can be stressful, but if you just let loose, eat delicious food, enjoy a beverage if you so desire and hug one that’s close to you, you know that you’ve done everything right.
We’re not quite done with the year yet, but we are raising a glass in celebration to all of the above and to you! Cheers to a wonderful year and a wonderful community of customers.
Questions? Let us know. You can tell that we’re in a jolly mood and can’t wait to hear from you.